Anglican Bishop of Lagos Diocese, Humphrey Olumakaiye passes on @53

by Church Times
The Bishop of the Diocese of Lagos, Anglican Communion, The Most Rev Humphrey Olumakaiye is dead. He was 53.

His death is the third in the House of Bishops in the Church of Nigeria, Anglican Communion in the last three months.

Rt. Rev. Jolly Oyekpen, the Bishop of the Diocese of Akoko Edo died on August 29. Another,  Rt. Rev David Obiosa of the Diocese of Ndokwa died about a week ago.

 Sources within the diocese told Church Times that Bishop Olumakaiye died in the evening of Sunday, October 30.
Olumakaiye who was also the Archbishop of the Province of Lagos has been battling with a protracted sickness for the past six months.
For a long time, he has not been seen at public functions due to the ailment.  At a point, he had to travel out of the country to seek proper medical attention.
But he was brought back home about two months ago.
Though the news of his death has not been officially announced some platforms of the church have been reporting it.
One of the platforms of one of the dioceses; while breaking the news wrote: “What a great demise hmmmn Archbishop Olumakaye, Bishop of Lagos Diocese. May your soul rest in peace.
“May God comfort his family, Lagos House of Bishops, and the Church of Nigeria as a whole. Adieu!
“It is a time for sober reflection as it pleases God to call his servants in sequence. May His will be done. May His saints living be comforted and may they press on to target in Jesus’ name
One of his classmates in school wrote on one of the platforms, “too bad a news. He was my friend and classmate. Eternal rest grant his soul Oh Lord”
Another one wrote, “Hmmm, Lord in your mercy, how can we (Church of Nigeria) lose the best hand, charismatic preacher, deliverance minister, and born again bishops in a space of months?
“No no no something is wrong. We should check if the door is open, possibly the enemies must have crept in unawares”

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1 comment

Primate Ndukuba moves against cabals in Anglican Church February 17, 2023 - 2:48 pm

[…] Unfortunately, Olumakaiye passed on. Since his transition, there have been subtle pressure and scheming on who will replace him. A letter threatening blood bath over successorship in the Lagos diocese was denied by the alleged author. […]


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