hausa archbishop

Hausa-born Anglican Archbishop cries out over Muslim Muslim ticket says it will spell doom, affect Northern Christians more

by Church Times
The Anglican Archbishop of Jos, The Most Revd Markus Amfani has raised the alarm that the success of the Muslim Muslim at the polls will spell doom for Christians in the North.
 Amfani expressed the concern at a forum of the Network of African Christian Journalists on Saturday, October 29.
 The cleric who is Hausa by birth  cited the age-long marginalisation of Christians in the North
 He said the Kaduna example where both the governor and his deputy are Muslims is also a test run of what could be replicated at the federal level.
 The consequence is what we are experiencing today according to him.
He said, “Things have not been going on well for Christians in Kaduna State where both the governor and his deputy are Muslims. The killings and insurgency have been on the increase. The marginalisation of Christians has also become something unbearable. Christians have been denied jobs, positions and other benefits that should have been theirs.”
 Amfani said it is difficult for Christians to get a Certificate of Occupancy for their landed property in many of the states in the North.
 He cited his own example. “For over 16 years since I bought hectares of land, I have been applying for a Certificate of Occupancy, which I have not been given. There are a number of states in the North where it is difficult for Christians to get C of O for their land”
 The Anglican cleric emphasised that the Muslim Muslim ticket is a manifestation of an Islamic agenda and an attempt to frustrate Christians in the North further.
He wondered why the flag bearer of the APC did not pick a Christian running mate. “There are so many qualified Christians in the North, why did the APC not pick among them? The decision of the party to hold to its Muslim Muslim ticket is an indication that they will not listen to anybody if they get to government.”

The 1993 example

 The Archbishop said using the 1993 scenario when many voted for Abiola/ Kingibe to judge the present situation in Nigeria stands logic on its head.
 “Things have changed. Many are now more aware that they are being marginalised. The country has obviously been polarised because of insurgency and the continuous killings of innocent lives. People are more suspicious than before. So it will be wrong to want to replicate the 1993 example.”
 Amfani reasoned that “What the APC is saying is that they can rule without Christians. They are saying to hell with Christians”
 While outlining some of the abuses Christians suffer in the North, Amfani said, “God forbid that the Muslim Muslim ticket will come to pass. We are going to suffer more. With that ticket, we are leading this country to doom. I urge Nigerians to stand against the ticket so that Churches in the North will not die.”

MM ticket will isolate the North

He explained further that the Muslim Muslim ticket will isolate the North from the rest of the country. It will be easy to further marginalise and decimate Christians in the North”
 He said it is unthinkable that Muslims in the North will refer to Christians as kafir. “Kafir by the explanation of the koran is somebody who has no faith. I have been a pastor for 33 years and Bishop for 17 years, how I’m a kafir (infidel).
 “The intention of the Muslim Muslim ticket is to make Nigeria an Islamic country. The God we serve is a God of justice. He will not allow their plan to come to pass.”
 Amfani said he has travelled to some other countries and has related well with Muslims in those countries.
 He however noted that the situation in Nigeria is worrisome calling on Christians “to pray more and educate our people on the need to vote right. We have been doing that in the North. We have held conferences and programmes to sensitize our people.”
 The Church leader who is widely travelled said he became born again at the Deeper Life Ministry shortly after his secondary education. He joined the Anglican Church later.
 Amfani disclosed there are over 200 Anglican Churches in his part of the North adding however that many lack support.
 “A few churches in the south have given support to the North. But we need more churches to come over to help the North,” he said.
 Amfani who worked in Lagos for three years under the late Bishop of Lagos West Diocese of the Anglican Communion, Bishop Awelewa Adebiyi said the diocese has been supportive of the Church in the North.
 He specifically thanked the incumbent Bishop of the Diocese, The Rt Rev James Odedeji for the support he has been rendering to the church in the North.
 “There are many churches in the south that have the capacity to support those of us in the North. I know some of them like RCCG and the Living Faith Church are trying. I believe there are many more that can invest in evangelism and missions in the north.
 One of the ways to help the church in the North according to him is for those in the south to come over.
“Many of my friends are scared of coming to the North. But one of the ways they can support is to come and see for themselves the work in the North. We can’t stay at a distance and really appreciate what is going on in the North.”
 Amfani called for more prayers for Christians in the North. He also shared testimonies of how he had his first child after 25 years of marriage

 Brief Biodata

The Most Rev. Marcus Amfani Ibrahim was born in Unguwar Tamoga, Kubau Local Government area of Kaduna State.  He was ordained a priest in 1994 and worked in several places including Lagos before being elected the fourth Archbishop of Jos Ecclesiastical Province in 2020.

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