
Grand Plot to Islamise Nigeria!,,,Christian activist reveals shocking facts

by Church Times


The present sporadic and sustained attack on Christians and the church by terrorists groups in the country has been described as part of a grand design to wipe out the church in the northern part of Nigeria and ultimately Islamise the entire country.

At a meeting, which had in attendance the president of Christian Association of Nigeria, Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor and a number of top Christian leaders, a concerned Christian  gave an erudite and well researched presentation that got all present on their toes.

He initially showed video clips which chronicled the dastardly massacre of Christians in the north and how they were hacked by machetes after they had been shot. He also gave detailed historical precedence of how Islam succeeded in wiping out Christianity from the entire North Africa which were once Christianity strongholds, and said there are ominous signs of deliberate schemes to repeat same in the country.

Addressing participants further at the meeting, the brother said, “Many Christians think this is not possible but from historical records there are clear indications that Jihadists don’t lose battles when they are determined to accomplish their islamisation agenda noting however that the only place they did not succeed to Islamise was Austria.

The reason this was possible according to him, was because the people of Austria cried to God when the Islamic Army invaded them and God in response sent snow that prevented the foot soldiers from succeeding in their conquest of the country.

Making further allusion to history he gave the classic example of Turkey, part of which is known as Galatia in the Bible saying, “The Turkey of today which has about 98 percent Moslem Population was a stronghold of Christianity at a point in time.

He said “Turkey was a Christian country for about 1200 years before it was captured by Islam and turned to a Moslem country.  Sultan Mehmedd 11 was installed at the age of 19 and serious attention was not given to him as a possible threat. At the age of 21, he invaded and conquered Constantinople and turned the largest and grandiose Cathedral in the world as at then, the Hagia Sophia into a Mosque.”

The brother noted that unfortunately, the mistake the church in Turkey made before it fell were the same mistakes the church in Nigeria is making.

The church in Turkey was building cathedrals, and they were divided and factionalized. It is alleged that the day it was captured, the bishops were having a debate on whether holy water is still holy or not when a fly falls into it.  It was in the course of the debate that the cathedral was attacked and conquered. “We have just about 150years of Christianity in Nigeria which cannot be compared to Constantinople’s 1,200years and they still fell.”

He referred to Professor Vincent Anibogu’s prophetic word from the Lord that “Nigerian Christians are irresponsible. If Care is not taken, Christianity will completely lose its foothold in Nigeria in the next 30 years”

While pleading with Christians to intensify prayers for the church on a daily basis and put the Northern part of the country in prayer, he referred to a document which is at, Abuja declaration 1989, which purportedly reports about an islamization agenda.   Bosun said, “Those behind the drive to Islamise the continent observed that Nigeria is crucial to its Islamisation agenda for Africa. He noted that the conflict belt that stretches from the horn of Africa to parts of West Africa is based primarily on religious conflicts instigated by Islam trying to push down south.

At the meeting it was purportedly reported Nigeria was divided into zones with specific designs to actualise their plot.”

The body observed for instance that Islam has no foot hold in the east, but could use the influence of money and business to lure unsuspecting Igbos to Islam. “In Abakaliki now there are a number of Igbo Alhajis and there is a very big Islamic centre in the town. Many Igbos are falling to this ploy.

“For the south west, they believe the South West Christians are very liberal and accommodating to Islam, as both have coexisted all along. The design is to cause distraction for them and also imitate their activities and cause confusion. That is why we see that the some Islamic groups hold services on Sundays, have vigils and do things that are done by Christians; such that the unsuspecting public will think there isn’t much difference between them and Christian groups. Their eventual ploy is to ensure that they push for Sharia in the south west and make Sunday an official working day”.                Already, there are strong feelers that the agenda is running subtly in Lagos state. The Chairman of CAN south west, Magnus Atilade corroborated this view in his address at the meeting.

He gave instance in Lagos when he  asked a lady to assist a fellow lady secure a job. But the lady simply asked the person

seeking for employment to dress the Muslim way when coming for interview, saying that will enhance her chances for the Job.


Already in Lagos Secretariat and the entire administrative gamut of the state, the staff population is tilted towards Moslems. A majority of the members of the state house of assembly, local government chairmen and counselors are Moslems and this is not because there are no competent Christians but those who run for elections in the state are allegedly  handpicked by the ruling

party. Continuing with the presentation, the brother said, The option of violence is used to cow the north. He gave graphic examples of how the church is being annihilated in the north.

But the most shocking of the presentation was the content of the Nigeria constitution. He said, In the 1999 Nigeria constitution, Islam is mentioned 28 times. Quaran is mentioned 10 times, sharia is mentioned 73 Grand khadi is mentioned 54 times Muslim  is mentioned 10 times while there is no where the word church, Christ or Jesus appears.

He said there are strong indications that Nigeria has been supporting the OIC especially during a past military regime. While calling on the church to wake up from slumber he said, “We are not asking anybody to carry arms and fight we are not calling for war. What we are saying is that Christians should go to their prayer closet and continue interceding for the nation and come together as one united body. The days of arguing over doctrines and spending money on big cathedrals are gone. This is time to get serious with God’s business”

He expressed worry that many churches are not bothered about the plight of the Christians in the north. While appreciating a pastor in the meeting, Isaac Moro, he said,“This man has single handedly shown a lot of commitment to the plight of the north  since the early 80s.  He goes to troubled spots and makes effort to rehabilitate victims of violence in the north. He runs a school for Children who lost their parents to the violence in the north free of charge with support from people. Reacting to the presentation, the president of CAN, Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor expressed worry that church leaders are not helping matters and warned them against selling their souls to anybody.

Read also: Jesus is God-Ven. Fatai Shofolawe-Bakare…Why he left Islam for Christ

He said many church leaders in Lagos have been paying obeisance to a political leader in Lagos. “How can we all tie ourselves to a person and get carried away by him because of what we get from him.

“It is unfortunate. Many of our leaders are not here today for a meeting organized by CAN, but if some of them were called by the governor of their state even at night, they will leave everything and go to him. This is unfortunate. Why should we drag ourselves in mud as servants of God? He asked.

Other church leaders present at the event expressed surprise at the revelations confessing that they were not aware of such ploy.  Archbishop George Amu, CAN Lagos Secretary confessed he had not seen things from the perspective it was put in the presentation noting that he had been further enlightened. He expressed confidence that God will work in favour of Christians if we do not relent in praying for Nigeria.

Former Prelate of the Methodist Church, Sunday Makinde however observed that Many Muslims are also embracing Christianity. He pleaded with Christians to continue to pray noting that many people can be won to Christ through prayers.

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Mark Dabs September 20, 2014 - 9:16 pm

i tthank God for brother Bosun Emmanuel. My problem has always been the Middle Belt. it is a region that is blessed with whatever you can think and know of. this agenda has been working against us secretely and we do not know, we have been thinking is a tribal issue, the fulanis are using the jihad method to finish all our villages but no body seems to care, so long as it is not his own ethnic group then to hell with any body. we have all the retired generals, the politicians and our traditional rulers, all of them are like being bought so nobody can come out to declear to the world that enough is enough of all the terrible killings here and there. some of them are being deceived by the so called AREWA CONSULTATIVE FORUM who are fighting for their hidden agenda. woe unto you blind middle belters. our traditional leaders have not seen reason to meet and discuss this killings of their people going on here and there. may God give you the grace to continue. pls go to all the middle belt states and share with them this revelation including our traditional rulers. thanks a lot.

Akande sola September 21, 2014 - 8:49 pm

God will intervene

Godwin Akpam September 23, 2014 - 6:20 am

Let’s stop spending billions to build cathedrals. If Christians are all anihilated by these babarics, who then will be entering the built Cathedrals to worship? Let all the famous Spiritual leaders in the country like Adeboye RCCG, Oyedepo WINNERS CHAPEL, etc stop flying round the world in their cruisy jets in the name mission work and concentrate on their own country that is on fire. Hw can they be evangelizing other countries when your own is having the worse challenge.
Christians should be aware and be at alert. Honestly, I am to suggest, Christians should be allowed to be carrying arms, Ibo people should stop accomodating bait gifts from Muslims in the name of humanitarian support. All our Christian political leaders should not create opportunities for muslims for head sensitive positions in their states. Go to the north, Christians are limited to low positions, we are made second citizens in their states. Middlebelt should form a strong barrier against the infiltration of Islamic jihadists. Islam is a violent religion, we must resist it….

Favour October 2, 2014 - 12:30 am

God will lay ambushment against the and non of them will escape

EGBOM MARTINLUTHER ONYEKACHI February 1, 2015 - 1:19 am

i got this info from a brother, today, 31/01/2015; am shocked to the marrows! Though i knew it n we ve been praying for the nation, i never knw they ve gone to this extent!!! God will subvert all thier plans…He dissapoints the token of liars n makes diviners mad….!


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