church in nigeria

God’s earnest message to Nigerian Christians and a call to repentance

by Church Times

By John Abiola


“Now when Ezra had prayed, and when he had confessed, weeping and casting himself down before the house of God, there assembled unto him out of Israel a very great congregation of men and women and children: for the people wept very sore” – Ezra 10:1.

I was in agony for long hours on my knees in my prayer room. I had never felt the unction to pray for many years the way I prayed this particular day since I began a prayer ministry.

I was in pain because of the state of my nation, Nigeria; the killings, injustice, oppression, wickedness, iniquities and abduction of school children.

The story of 1.5 million people in Benue IDP camp alone brought tears into my eyes. Cases of people who are dying of hunger and crying for help and many other ills going on in my nation and the church got me worried.

My soul was crushed within me. I have been weak in my body for days due to fasting and ceaseless prayers. But I ignored my body and cried out to God the more not for my personal needs but for his kingdom and forgiveness for our sins.

I acknowledged our sins, that we are the cause of the problems in our nation. I was sweating profusely with pain in my heart, and body while confessing the sins of our leaders when The Lord Jesus suddenly came into the room and started speaking to me.

He said, “I will give victory to my people in Nigeria that trust me. This period is the greatest threat to the church in Nigeria. A great Islamic terrorist group from the Islamic world has plotted to crush my church in Nigeria.

“In the face of these incredible odds, if my people can humble themselves before me to repent of their sins and pray ceaselessly, the result will be the greatest victory they have ever experienced in history. I promise to bring comfort to you in this hopeless situation.

“However, there are key elements that will put me in the place, where I could deliver you my people in Nigeria. Genuine Repentance, Fasting.
And Prayer.

“If you do these three from your hearts wholeheartedly, I will hear your cry my people in this darkest night that you are experiencing in your land in Nigeria.

“Trust the prophetic “words” of “repentance, prayers, and revival” I have been bringing to you for years through Godly men, women, and children, employ and believe these three key elements, as they are mighty and effectual spiritual weapons for your deliverance now.”


“Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die: for I have not found thy works perfect before God.
Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard and hold fast and REPENT if therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee” (Revelation 3:2,3).
Only genuine repentance can bring peace, make our prayers effective, avert God’s judgments, and bring revival and reformation in Nigeria.

Nigeria is no doubt in the darkest period of her life. It is also known that Nigeria is one of the most religious countries in the world with a Christian population of close to 100 million. Nigerian churches are known all over the world as the headquarters prosperity preachers and preachers whose prayers are targeted to kill enemies.

The issue however is, why have we not experienced transformation? where did we miss God?

The virus of the world in the church

The Nigerian church has been deeply infected by the virus of this world. The church has become Satan’s captive as being fed with faeces and urine as spiritual food from our leaders.

We only have a few godly preachers that preach the truth of His word. Whereas, a great number are busy raising money for buildings and preaching messages that celebrate mundane things. They are emphasising money on their pulpits not because they want to support the needy or persecuted churches. Their desire is not to support missionary causes or the shipping of Christian resources and palliatives to the 50 most difficult nations in the world where Christians are in tears.

Instead, this accumulation of wealth is to build their empires to the detriment of their souls and the souls of their members. This is despite the ongoing mass killings, kidnappings, violence, and injustice as well as all the warning signs that depict the coming Jihad war.

They are not bothered about the warning signs of the end of the age, Christ’s soon second coming and the one-world government, one religion, and one world currency.

Do we have a concern for the hell-bound multitude? Why have we become so selfish and self-centered? The church in Nigeria is one of the richest churches in the world yet we are more interested in spending God’s resources that he placed in our hands, on material things that have no record in heaven than spending it on evangelism and mission.

How many preachers and Christians are giving their tenth of what God gives them to advance the Gospel to the unreached people groups in our churches? Why have we grown so cold, worldly, and materialistic in values and have so choked our spirituality?

How many professing Christians are Holy Spirit-filled, Bible-believing, mission-minded, and are living the Christ-life before the sinners in the society?

Why has the conviction of sin we read in past now become old school and we think it’s normal.? What a shame!

We are so much interested in influence and affluence, fashion parades and pride of vanity, full of church activities every Sunday that we have forgotten and neglected to pray and preach to the lost world; the very thing that took Jesus to the cross to die a shameful death on the cross for the redemption of humanity. What has blinded our spiritual eyes from seeing beyond this world?

Prophecies about Nigeria 50 years ago by proven men of God across the world have been delayed for too long, millions of souls that would have been saved are in hell forever since the prophecy was given and you are not so grieved in your heart to do something about it. All you say is peace. We boast of being in the ministry for many years and every year we celebrate church anniversary with millions of naira.

Will our decades of materialistic messages and witchcraft, materialistic prayers, and ungodly lifestyles destroy the evil powers, bury the spirit of the bondwoman and Islamic agenda in Nigeria, Africa, and the world,? or don’t you know that their agenda is nearly completed?

We have shifted focus

The organization of Islamic Conference (OIC), in London in 1983 held a strategy meeting on Islamizing Africa. The meeting produced a 322-page document of which 156 pages focused on Nigeria. The strategy meeting identified 7 key African nations that must primarily be Islamized before the goal of turning entire Africa into an Islamic continent could be achieved. The 7 Nations are Nigeria, Kenya, Malawi, Liberia, Cote d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo, South Africa (Wikipedia, the free Encyclopedia).

Why have we allowed Satan to give us another message and shift our focus from God’s prophetic plan since the 1970s? There has been a prophetic declaration that “Nigeria is the nation that will ignite great revival that would lead to the return of Christ in His glory? We have been positioned to evangelize the whole of Africa. We are to preserve the seed of the true gospel to spread to other nations to influence the universal Church?”

At the 1983 & 1984’s national ministers and church leaders conference held at Ibadan, The Lord said that the church in Nigeria is the arrow to destroy the bondwoman’s religion in the world. However, since then, the opposite has been the case. The Bondwoman and her foot soldiers, Islamic leaders and are now forcing us to become Muslims. They are declaring war by killing Christians in hundreds almost daily, kidnapping and taking over their communities while establishing Islam.

Also, at the 1998’s ICC Nigeria National Conference of the International Christians Chambers of Commerce that held at the Excellence Hotels, Ikeja Lagos, Lord said through a white American delegate, Rohan Smith prophesied, “There is a wave of prosperity coming from the Lord into Africa. The objective is for the salvation of the people of Africa. Idolatry will be overthrown in Africa as part of this move. Beware however that you do not replace Idolatry with materialism after the release of the wealth.”

Unfortunately, we are frustrating these prophecies. Of the 65,815,000 population of unreached people groups in Nigeria (15.4%) and Fulanis population is 16,802,000 and only 0.08% are Christians. In Africa, the number of unreachable people is 986 (26.6%). Population in unreached is 388,72,000(28.4%)

The middle-belt states in Nigeria are gradually being Islamised with the invasion of Boko Haram, Armed Fulani Herdsmen, and the Islamic State for West Africa Province. Yet we feel comfortable in our comfort zones to say we have no sin to confess and repent.

Nigeria is known all over the world as the nation that sheds blood the most. Human blood flows like water on a daily basis. Christian youths that are supposed to be future leaders are wasting away in sin because there are little or no godly preachers on the pulpits to rightly divide the word for them.

Is this not worth a call to weep and repent and to turn back to God? Is this not worth changing our messages and lifestyles to start preaching and praying against sin and to call for repentance everywhere? Or do you still think we are safe from what is coming?

Only the righteous will be delivered

God said only the righteous shall be delivered, saved, and protected. More hard times are still coming. “There shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time and at that thy people shall be delivered, everyone shall be found written in the book. And they that be wise(soul winners)shall shine as the brightness of the firmament, and they that turn many to righteousness
(Preachers of Repentance, righteousness, holiness, rapture, restitution, second coming of Christ, heavenly rewards, godly lifestyles, God’s imminent judgments)
as the stars forever and ever” (Daniel 12:1),

God has released his sword of judgment. The army of the Lord is coming. The coming invaders will attack at night not even waiting for the unrepentant ones.

Any believer that refuses to repent will not escape God’s sword of judgement. God is angry that the fire of his undiluted word has gone out of the church. Injustice, corruption, and all manner of evils have become the way of life in the Nigerian church and have spread all over the land.

I once led a young man to Christ and I advised him to go to any Pentecostal church for his spiritual growth. But he later came back to tell me his encounter with Jesus in the big assembly he attended. He said, during one of the Sunday services he attended, during the praise and worship, as everyone was dancing and singing and rejoicing in the Lord, Jesus suddenly appeared in the church and told him that though the Sunday service is filled up with thousands of Christians, “if rapture takes place today only one person will make Heaven, not even the pastor but one innocent person.”

No Wonder God is not answering our prayers, and our offerings, services, praises have no records in heaven and there are many fake miracles.

The experience of that brother is the same situation across the nation in many churches, both mega and smaller ones.

Righteousness and holiness are not being preached because pastors are afraid of losing income. Brethren, we have betrayed and forsaken Jesus Christ for a very long time (over 50 years).

You have seen now that we are the cause of the happenings in our nation. The distress in our nation is God’s judgment to bring us back to Him. We need to go back to God in true repentance. Now that He is still calling us back out of His agape love and infinite Mercy.

What is that personal particular sin? it’s not too late to repent, fast, and pray for mercy. Allow the Holy Spirit to bring conviction of sin into your heart, be on your knees and let tears flow now from your eyes, and cry out to God until you receive pardon.

Your sin must be confessed and forsaken. You have to put out your idols and make restitution. Do it now. Do it today. Don’t delay. Tomorrow might be too late!

God says, seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near: let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous: and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon”( Isaiah 55:6,7).

Calling God to intervene in our situation without genuine repentance is a waste of time. God cannot change his conditions as regards answers to your prayers. God’s condition is still the same, it says ” REPENT ” Jesus says, “Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish”

Confession and repentance are the foundation to answered prayers and for revival in our nation. Only true repentance can make our prayers effective, avert God’s judgments, save us from the Islamic agenda and bring revival in Nigeria.

I see a mighty earth-shaking revival that will break out and spread like wildfire, resulting in a great harvest of souls into God’s Kingdom.

John Abiola.

1 comment

Judah August 3, 2021 - 1:47 pm

This is exact, precise and intricate, may God help us to respond correctly and may he hear the cry of the few, you sigh and cry for his Mercy and Revival.


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