
Getting out of the entanglement of generational affliction

by Church Times

“The LORD is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and He knoweth them that trust in Him. But with an overrunning flood, He will make an utter end of the place thereof, and darkness shall pursue His enemies.

What do you imagine against the LORD? He will make an utter end: AFFLICTION SHALL NOT RISE UP THE SECOND TIME”- Nahum 1: 7-9, KJV.

Affliction is any condition that makes life unbearable to a person, group of persons, or a whole Nation. It brings pain, stagnation, poverty, sickness, and bondage.

Other unpleasant situations include unexplainable hardship, failure at the point of success, inability to connect to one’s destiny helpers, series of disappointments from unexpected quarters, and so on.

Certain afflictions can run in a person’s or family life, Community, or Nation. When a particular affliction runs in a family, it can be termed a Generational problem. Another word for affliction is Captivity especially when it runs in a Nation.

For many instances, the Israelites found themselves in Captivity in strange lands either as a result of their forefathers or their own sins for which they refused to repent before affliction sets in.

What should a man, a group of persons, or a Society do when confronted with the above unpleasant situations? The first thing should be self-examination with a view to locating the root of the problem.

Sometimes it may as a result of sin, attitudinal, behavioural issues, lack of good personal hygiene, or poor lifestyle.
But when some of these root causes are dealt with and the problem still persists, it means there may be a spiritual undertone or dimension to it.

In such cases, the afflicted person, family, group of persons, or a whole Nation may need to cry out to the LORD for deliverance before it becomes too late. And that is when the Word of the LORD quoted above becomes applicable. It says “… affliction shall not rise up the second time”.

Read also: You may be anointed till death and still go hell:

And so whatever unpleasant experience or situation we may be passing through as individuals, Communities, or as a Nation, having done our own part, let’s apply the appropriate Word of GOD so as to obtain our much-needed deliverance or breakthrough in JESUS’ Name.

And as we do so and put our trust in the LORD for our much-needed deliverance, we shall not be put to shame and our enemies shall not triumph over us in JESUS’ Name. Psalm 25: 1-2, KJV.


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