
Gay: Methodist Church Nigeria dissociates self from UK Methodist

by Church Times

Methodist Church Nigeria has dissociated itself from the decision of Methodist Church Great Britain to legalise gay marriage in the church.

The Prelate of the Church, His Eminence Dr. Samuel Uche said in a broadcast being circulated via social media that Methodist Church Great Britain is no longer the mother church of Methodist Church worldwide

He said since the church is not the mother church of all Methodist churches in the world, its decision to welcome gay lifestyle can’t be binding on all Methodist churches.

The prelate insisted that the British church’s decision is not binding on Methodist Church Nigeria. He urged members of the church in Nigeria not to entertain any fear at all.

He said, “British Methodist church is not the mother church again. Methodist Church Nigeria became autonomous in 1963. We condemn in totality anything gay. It is un-African, It is against Nigerian law. It is against the scriptures.”

The Methodist Bishop stresses further that “the Church in Nigeria believes in the doctrine of the Bible as promulgated by John Wesley. We believe in holiness. We believe that we worship a holy God. We believe what the Bible says that marriage is between man and woman and not between man and man or woman and woman. We believe the Bible can’t be re-written. We can’t go back to Egypt.”

He pleaded with Methodist Church members to ignore the British Church. “I want you to ignore what the British Church has done. There is no cause for alarm,” he said.

He warned that anybody who practices gay in the church will be ex-communicated.

The Methodist Conference in Great Britain on June 30 consented in principle to the marriage of same-sex couples after a long debate that followed many years of discussion.

The resolution was passed by a large majority of 254 to 46 delegates of the church. The implication is that Methodist Church, Great Britain is the largest UK denomination that accepts marriage equality, including allowing LGBT couples to marry.


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