New Seraph

Fakile preaches unity as C&S Church approaches its centenary

by Church Times

Pastor Thomas Fakile has emphasised the need for unity in the Cherubim and Seraphim Church just as the church approaches its centenary anniversary.

The church was established in 1925 by Prophet Moses Orimolade. But over the years, many splinter groups have evolved, all still carrying the church’s emblem.

Fakile however noted in a keynote address at the New Seraph Annual Conference that the time had come for the church to close ranks and be one in purpose.

He spoke on the conference theme, “Approaching C&S Centenary; shaping the future”

He highlighted the critical need for unity within the church stating that “all Seraphs should combat disunity and support the church’s growth through solidarity and the undiluted Word of God as laid down by our founding Father St. Moses Orimolade Tunolase and widely preached by the Iya Aladura General Dr. Oluwaseye Yomi-Sholoye, Founder, The New Seraph.”

Fakile noted further that “the New Seraph is spearheading essential changes, transforming members’ lives and setting a new standard in conduct and appearance,”

He encouraged the congregation to embrace their roles as leaders and role models while keeping pace with technological advancements.

Night of Divine Experience

Her Grace, Iya Aladura General Dr. Oluwaseye Yomi-Sholoye JP, officially unveiled the Night of Divine Experience known as NODE 6.0.  She declared 2024 a year of good news.

She promised an unforgettable experience for all attendees at the upcoming Night of Divine Experience on August 17, 2024.

“As we approach our centenary year, we gathered to review our journey, challenges, and future direction as a church. Our focus is on the undiluted word of God, comfort, and wisdom to inspire growth and progress. We should uphold the teachings of our forbear Saint Moses Orimolade,” the New Seraph founder added.

The two-day conference continued with panel discussions on the impact of social media within the Seraph Church, featuring Supt. Ap. Olatunde Ogunkunle, Ap. Omo Alagbawi, Rev’d Prof. Ola Okikimile, Sp. Ap. Seyi Odufuwa, Ldr. Jesubi Temitope, Evang. Tunde Jedidah and Pastor Tosin Faremi, as speakers.

The congregation was united in prayer, song, and fellowship a testimony to their collective spirit and the enduring legacy of the C&S church.

The Annual General Conference commenced took place recently at the New Seraph Prayer City, at Sapade, Ode-Remo, Ogun.

Dignitaries, government representatives, royal fathers, and a host of church leaders graced the historic event.


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