Covid-19: A script is playing out, Bible students are watching- Bishop Abraham Olaleye  

by Church Times

Church Times Six-Question Covid-19 interview series (6)


Bishop Abraham Olaleye is an evangelist by calling. He has traversed the length and breadth of the world preaching the gospel in massive crusades. He is at the vanguard of a movement calling for revival of the church and the awakening of believers to Bible truths that have been lost in many congregation. He is the founder of Abraham’s  Evangelistic Ministry and also the Overseer of Pentecostal Congregation based in Ilupeju, Lagos.  He adds his perspective to the Church Times Covid-19 interview  series. Below are excerpts: 

end time

Bishop Olaleye



Do you see the present pandemic as an indication of the end of age?


Yes, I see it as indication of the end. This is because it fits into prophecies, especially from the Book of Revelation. Please note that I said it is indication of the end and not the end.


There have been such pandemic in years past. How is this different from others?


Yes, there have been pandemics in the past like the Spanish flu that occurred in 1918, that is 102 years ago (a century). But this one is different because the world has become a global village due to high speed internet service which is the cutting edge in modern times. The internet and social media platforms continue to compress the world. It is not unlikely that this pandemic is technologically induced. Also, trade war between the super power nations is another factor that we cannot rule out in this pandemic and this, among other reasons, make it vastly different from the past pandemics.



There are insinuations that the pandemic is a preparation towards one world govt. and the reign of the AntiChrist. Do you agree?


When you study the Book of Revelation over and over, you will agree that the globalization of the economy is leading us nowhere else, but the one world government. Revelation tells us that it will be a war of economy and commerce (buying and selling). Go back to history and you will observe that the methods of payment have been changing. From trade by batter, cowries, and many other methods in different countries and cultures to money (physical cash) and in modern times electronic transactions which in Nigeria, we call ‘cashless’ regime. Finally, we have come to the last of all methods where chips are inserted in the right hand or forehead of people. This means that everyone will buy, sell and transact without bank cards. Your hand or head does it. In every step, decision and intent, a script is playing out and we all, especially students of Bible eschatology are watching


The W.H.O is currently working on a vaccine to deal with the pandemic. The vaccine according to the body should be ready in about a year from now. Should believers take the vaccine when out?


I do not think we should be hasty in our decision to do so or not; rather, we as the church should begin an intensive teaching on the Books of Daniel and Revelation. We should watch how things move between now and a year bearing in mind that the Lord, and not men or Satan controls time.


While waiting and watching, we should embark on a conscious and deliberate exposition on eschatology (teachings on Bible prophecies, end time and the coming of the Lord). The church that lacks this knowledge is a lost church. It is a church that does not know her final destination and I can see someone going where he doesn’t know exist.


Some believe the vaccine is a mark of the beast and that there will be an implant in the hands of people to monitor them by the one world govt. What do you think about this?

As I have just said in my previous answer, our worry should not be in the vaccine or any chip implanted; rather, it should be in knowledge of the word of prophecy, Bible prophecy and not men saying things that will add to people’s confusion. We seriously need teachers and interpreters of prophecy and Revelation. The true church of Jesus will not be in all of these evils.


What should be the Christian attitude in times like this?


Each Christian must ask these questions:

  1. Am I truly a Christian?
  2. Am I a disciple?
  3. Am I a student of the Bible, the whole Bible and not selective of the places I like in it.

If your honest answer is YES to all three questions, then I congratulate you and if your answer is a NO, I commend your sincerity and I ask you to seek a fresh encounter with Jesus right away. If you sincerely need assistance in any way, do not hesitate a bit to contact ChurchTimes Magazine. I want to ask you to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Don’t ever fear what others fear. Don’t fear coronaVirus. Don’t bother yourself about vaccines or the mark of the beast. Don’t be afraid of what is coming upon the world. Fear only God, cling to Jesus and when you do this, God will keep you in His secret place and under His Wings’ Shadow. God is 100% on top of what is happening globally and it’s Him only we should fear and hallow. Read Isaiah 8: 11-14

Read also: The gospel promises eternal life, not material prosperity- Bishop Abraham Olaleye




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The way we do church will change after this pandemic- Apostle Akindapo | Church Times Nigeria - News, features and more April 13, 2020 - 9:52 pm

[…] Read also; Covid-19; A  script is playing out-Bishop Olaleye […]


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