
Revelation that changed my life and ministry- Rev. Sam Adeyemi

by Church Times



The Senior Pastor of Daystar Christian Centre, Rev Sam Adeyemi has given insight into scriptures that changed his perspective about God and how those scriptures turned his life and ministry around.


Adeyemi made the revelation while ministering on his online platform today April 5.


In his message titled, ‘the ultimate promise keeper’, Adeyemi said if someone makes promises, what determines our trust and how confident we are about the fulfillment of the promise would be the capacity of the person to fulfill the promise.


He recalled that when the ministry, Daystar Christian Centre was just about a year old things were tough.


He said however that it was the word of God that brought revolution to his life.


Explaining how it happened, he said “We started at a restaurant on Allen Avenue in Lagos in our first year.  But then it was not convenient to pay the rent weekly so we moved to a rundown mansion. A lady gave us used desk and chairs and we had base metal table and iron chair that we rented.


“One of those days I was alone in that office. For once I was concerned about the future. I turned to a conversation with the Holy Spirit. I said Lord this is not the vision you showed me when we started. I said if we continue at this pace it will take us 500 years to get the picture God showed me. In the middle of the conversation I had the inspiration to turn to the Bible and I checked the book of Isaiah 46 v8-11, I was reading the KJV.


“As I was reading those verses were exploding in my head. The first line reads, remember the former things of old, for I am God and there is no one like me.


“The second line reads, declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient time the things that are not yet done, saying my counsel shall stand and I will do my pleasure


“This is the core of it. What God is saying is that he had already provided the solution from the beginning. He knows where everything about our lives will end. We are afraid because of the pandemic. But God already knows where this whole event will end. Unfortunately people are finding it difficult to see beyond one week.


“I speak at events all over the world. I have never seen anything like this before, airlines grounded, airports closed. Thinking about the future becomes even frightening. When they announce those lockdown they don’t know when the whole thing will end. But here we hear God saying, I declare the end from the beginning. God is saying he knows where it will end. He said my counsel will stand. Whatever will happen, there is one person who is so sure of the future and that is God. He is saying I will determine where everything ends.


“No one can stop God in between. In the 11th verse it says God is calling a ravenous bird from the east. I heard that the raven is a stingy bird. He said when I am the one who made a promise to you I can use the stingiest person to give you money. He said if nobody will cooperate with you he will raise unlikely people to support me. So in that conversation with the Holy Spirit, my excuses were dying.


“There is absolutely nothing that can stop God from fulfilling his plan for your life. The Holy Spirit said to me take note of the I in the verse. He said did you notice that you did not even show up in that verse at all? He said get out of my way. He said to me you don’t have the capacity to do what I want to do. I am the one that said it. I am the one that will do it. That day confidence exploded in my heart.”


Adeyemi stressed further that “When you align with God he will fulfil his promises to you. God can afford to fulfil his promises. The question is a human who makes promise to you can die tomorrow but God cannot die. God cannot lie. He is not a man that he will lie. He is the ultimate promise giver. When he gives you a promise it becomes a reality.”


He added, “anyday I find out I am still on this planet I am excited. The power that will stop God has not been manufactured. His promises through us will be fulfilled.”


He said another scripture that God used to encourage him was Gen. 22 where the Lord said he would bless Abraham and God swore by his name to bless Abraham. I prayed to God that day  and said Lord “swear over me” The Lord said to me could I do what Abraham did.” That was when I made up my mind that nothing would be too hard for me to give and to do for the cause of the gospel. God has been proving Himself ever since then.”

Story by Gbenga Osinaike

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