cherubim and seraphim @98

C & S @ 98: Celebrating a church with a unique identity

by Church Times

Baba Aladura Israel Akinadewo*
Prelate, Motailatu Church Cherubim and Seraphim Worldwide

“And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehends it not” – John 1:5

It is a thing of joy to note that the centenary of the founding of Cherubim and Seraphim is two years from now. Thus, marking the nine decades and eight years of the great movement’s existence is a prelude to what the world will witness in the year 2025.

Having said that, this band, established solely by *Saint Moses Orimolade Tunolase (Ajagunmokadi)* and without any contradictions from historical perspectives, has gone through a whole lot of engagements from spiritual, biblical, evangelical, healing, homiletics, and international activities’ viewpoints.

The words, *“Ipinle ti Jesu fi lele leyi, ti Baba Aladura nto, keda mase ro pe, o ye kuro nibe, o duro le Kristi apata“*, in one of the most popular songs in C and S, literally translated as *”The Foundation of truth laid by Jesus, which our Praying Father follows”, the world should not think that it has departed from it, it stands on the rock of Christ*, is uniquely embedded in the programming orders of this great church.

Foundation of the C&S

Many people whose forebears were in this movement together with our father, Saint Moses Orimolade Tunolase, would understand much better that their patriarchs and matriarchs were puritanical in all their activities. These founding leaders adhered very strictly to moral and religious principles.

Thus, this band, established by God through our father, Moses Orimolade, is built on the solid rock of salvation, hence, many evildoers got born again and were converted into the band.

I have been consistent in the use of the word *”Band”*, because that is the established path, which till today, the foundational churches still have *Cherub Band* and *Seraph Band*, aside from the numerous bands in those churches.

In those days, it used to be interesting, during anniversaries, seeing these two foundational bands establishing healthy rivalry in working for God, through financial contributions, programmes, prayers, etc.

It was indeed a sight to behold by the younger Cherubs and Seraphs of our time. Doubtless, the Band is established by God and prophetic orders, working to uproot the trees of the witches and wizards in those days, bringing about the spread beyond Nigeria, the country of origin.

This church is purely indigenous to Nigeria and Africa at large. It really broke the European pattern of everyone worshiping Almighty God in the same way as theirs.

The African motif

The African dancing patterns were inspired into the C and S worship modes. This brought great joy to Christianity in Africa. God used this church to create this uniqueness.

This multidimensional faith group, which now has several independently registered churches, is and will continue to be the pride of the continent of Africa. Many of these churches, aside from the use of English, still maintain their local language to conduct services.

This alone has been one of the reasons why our local languages have not gone into extinction. Unfortunately, the majority of our younger ones today unconsciously see their local languages as vernacular that belittles their newfound positions, whilst believing that the conduct of church services in the English language fortifies their modernisation.

This is farther from the truth. I want to submit that the younger generations have a whole lot to learn from the elders that are still alive, for them to understand more, how apologetics in theological studies applies to their own background.

Read also: My research findings on Cherubim and Seraphim Church:

Having said that, I’m proud to see so many of our younger leaders preaching the undiluted word of God, which was exactly what the founding fathers started. It is basically the primary reason why C & S came into being.

Aside from what Moses Orimolade did, we who were privileged to have come from a prophetic background always marveled to see how the evil ones confessed openly after preaching and sermons by our forebears. They were simply:
1. Prayers with biblical backing;
2. Confession by the evildoers;
3. Repentance;
4. Conversion;
5. Total adoption into the fold.

Honestly, nothing has changed from those who had great backgrounds of the undiluted C and S strict parents.

A solid faith

Consequently, our faith remains ever solid on the Rock of Christ. Again, the pattern of some believers in using any means to create division through a holier-than-thou attitude to generalize a band established by God Himself is purely out of ignorance and their own background. The truth of the matter is that those who follow the teachings of the sole founder are proudly Seraphs and Cherubs. May the Lord forgive us of our sins of ignorance, through Christ our Lord.

This unique band is dexterous in:
1. Articulated sermon
2. Healing
3. Prophetic utterances
4. Charity
5. Spiritualism
6. Music
7. Singing
8. Dancing, and in those days, there would always be food for all, especially the children (common then was beans and coconut without including any oil). The little children were always happy to come to church.

Aside from that, we have our own paramilitary organ called “Omo Ogun Igbala – Army of Salvation; and our garments depict your hierarchical titles. From Aladura to Lady Leader and so on to the highest position for the women, are distinctively noted through their dressing modes

This equally applies to the male gender. Then, the praying staff from leaders to rabbis, to pastors, to evangelists, to Prophets (this is not for everyone but as divinely ordered), to Apostles are also special in their own individual ways.

Is it the full regalia, or the veil used by anointed men, especially, during the 40 days of the Lenten season, as well as during confessional Psalms that are not spiritual, biblical, and equally African? God indeed used our fathers to bring Himself closer to Africa, which the true Seraphs are proud of.

In view of this, as the scripture stated in Romans 14:22 “…….blessed is he that did not condemn himself in that thing which he has chosen”, let the Seraphs continue to serve God in truth and in spirit, continue in the undiluted word of God without condemnation, apply wisdom when relating with one another, and uphold the sanctity of salvation, then, God Himself will reward us all, through Christ our Lord.

*Dr. Israel Akinadewo is also the President of the Organisation of African Instituted Churches (OAIC)*. *Aside the theological knowledge and prophetic gifts, he is also an erudite scholar and currently a senior lecturer in forensic accounting, among others.*

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