business during covid-19

How to run successful business during covid-19-Christopher Kolade

by Church Times

Business during Covid-19: Christopher Kolade  gives tips on best practice

Chairman of Managing Business for Christ and former Nigeria’s ambassador to the United kingdom, Dr. Christopher Kolade has given insight on how business owners can successfully run their businesses during the Covid-19 season.

Kolade gave the insight at a zoom meeting of business owners  organized by MBFC on  June 13.

He said in a short exhortation at the meeting that the Covid-19 season is an unusual season.

He however counseled that the first way to go about doing business in this season is for Christians to go to Jesus and ask for help.

Drawing allusion to the Bible story of the voyage of Jesus on the boat with his disciples, he said, “The disciples took Jesus along the boat when they were going to the other side of the sea. It was an indication that a relationship already existed between the disciples and Jesus.

“So when the storm came, it was easy for them to call on Jesus who rebuked the wind and calmed the sea. If we invite him to our lives he will be willing to come. But then we should not just invite him, we should listen to his instructions.”

Giving further insight, he said, “The essence of the vine and the branches is that the branches never leaves the vine. We should always stay connected to Jesus. All our instructions should come from Jesus not from something else.

“We can read books on business but we must take instructions from Jesus because he knows what we don’t know. Situation will want to distract us but we must look unto him for insight in this strange times.”

He however said looking unto Jesus does not mean we will abandon our expertise while running our business. “The point I’m making is our expertise won’t be enough in strange times like this.

“So we can always fall back on the relationship we have with Jesus to give us insight. If we have relationship with Jesus that is constant, we can always fall back on that relationship for insight into how best to do our business.”

Kolade who has over the years proved to be an outstanding business manager, said the present pandemic is an opportunity for God to make things work together for the good of those who love him and those who are called by his name.

“God is always working in our interest. This Covid-19 season is an opportunity to bring all our experiences to bear on what we do while trusting God to work out his best purpose.

“We should note that all things work together for those who are called by his name and those who are called according to his purpose. So when we are in the will of God in our business we must remain calm. We must have the assurance that God has our best interest”

He counseled that business owners should not panic and should not exercise any form of anxiety in his season. Rather, he said, “you should watch out for opportunities available. You must also realize that you are running the business with Christ and to the glory of God.” He said.

Read also: Christopher Kolade: shocking testimonies that shaped his life

The managing director of MBFC, Mr. David Abraham who coordinated the event took time to also encourage participants to remain strong in this season of the pandemic assuring that all will be well.

Participants at the one-hour zoom meeting shared experiences on how they have been running their businesses.

Despite the pandemic, many testified that God has used the period to open newer doors.

Some also testified how they have had to learn new techniques in running their businesses and how God has been proving himself.

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