Building an Enduring Nation: The challenges for Christian, a review

by Church Times

Author: Oyewole Sarumi

Reviewer:  Pastor (Prof) A.M. Aduradola




The book titled “Building an Enduring Nation: The challenges for Christian” written by Pastor Oyewole O. Sarumi was published by JESUS LIFESTYLE BOOKS AND PUBLICATIONS. The book has 123 pages divided into eight reader-friendly chapters.

The central theme of the book is an awakening of the role of practicing Christians in nation-building. This role is not only spiritual but also historical. It derives from the spiritual Christian ontology that believers are both salt and light of the world, and are therefore expected to be agents of positive change in nation-building.

The writer employed relevant indices to demonstrate the organic relationship between the spiritual tempo of the church in Nigeria and her consequent impacts on nation-building.

Chapter one presents a historical account of a culture of systematic declining dignity in labour that has a negative impact on nation-building. This unhealthy trend could be revised by God-fearing and intentional leadership demonstrated in the family, to individuals, in church, and in the corporate world.

.Chapter two is a reminder of the God factor in nation building. God Who is the Invisible and Silent Ruler of the Universe must be involved in governance to guarantee enduring progress. The church as an essential part of nation-building therefore must not shy away from her responsibilities.

It is necessary to stress that the church in this sense is not the physical building, but a group of people called out of darkness to manifest the Light and raised the standard of godliness in nation-building. To accomplish the above vision require a paradigm shift in our approach to governance and intentional professional training.

In Chapter Three, the author discussed the identity of a practicing Christian. He defined a Christian as a person with a definite encounter with God, characterized by a sustained fellowship with Jesus Christ. To be relevant in nation-building such a believer must function as the light of the world, the salt of the faith, and must be empowered to dominate as kings and priests among other requirements.

Chapters four and five focus on the role of good governance in nation-building. The author supports the truth that a government can only be good when the principles of God are fully obeyed.  Notwithstanding our current challenges, when traits of diligence, accountability, discipline, integrity, and humility are put on display we can create the garden of Eden if we let go and let God.

Chapter Six identifies critical sectors of the society that must be influenced positively to advance the Kingdom of God on Earth. Some of these sectors include Law and Politics, Media, Arts and Entertainment, Business, Economy, Kingdom-based education, and family life. Promoting kingdom values in these sectors will guarantee the prosperous nation of our dream.

Chapter Seven discusses the implicit responsibilities of the Church to build the Kingdom of God and the twin mandate to build the nation that will be blessed and become a blessing to other nations. This would be achieved when believers consciously accept their God-given roles as advocates, banners trained in crisis management that are deliberate in employing emotional intelligence in nation-building.

The concluding chapter is essentially an appeal to believers to relocate from hearers of the word to doers reflecting basic ingredients needed for nation-building. The author recommends that every Christian must be involved in political education, participation in party politics, and governance.

I recommend this book to practicing believers, whose light must shine in nation-building.


Pastor (Prof) A.M. Aduradola is the Pastor In Charge of Region 32 of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG)



BUILDING AN ENDURING NATION – THE CHALLENGE FOR CHRISTIAN is a great book written to encourage and challenge Christians not to demonise politics but to participate in it for influence.

We are giving out FREE the first printed copies of over 1000 to anyone who desires a copy. Please ask for your copy through my website or send your demand note to this email address: OR to this WhatsApp no: 08023177224 stating your Name, location address, tel. No and email address.

However, you are to pay the full shipping to wherever you are in the world. Expect delivery within a week after delivery payment confirmation. Thank you. Oyewole Sarumi – The Author




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