Billionaire Christian Movement plans money-making conference for young people

To reveal Biblical secrets of running successful business

by Church Times

The founder of the Billionaire Christian Movement, Mr. Olatayo Ajiboye has disclosed plans to hold a two-day conference to equip young people to become successful entrepreneurs.

Ajiboye in a statement said about 10000 young people from different denominations across Nigeria are expected at the meeting.

The meeting is scheduled for February 18 and 19 at the Redemption City of the Redeemed Christian Church of God.

Ajiboye said participants will be taught the sound principles of prospering through establishing and running genuine businesses.

He said the meeting is being planned in obedience to a divine mandate to raise billionaire Christians who will be committed to biblical financial principles to grow their businesses

He explained that the divine encounter he had in 2010 during which God promised him a ‘city without poverty’ was the foundation of the burden to build a system that would train Christian youths on sound business principles and hence set them on the path to becoming financial giants.

He said he received the details of the diving assignment during a series of encounters after the first one in 2010, during which he saw Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) and Bishop Oyedepo, of the Living Faith.


Why the conference

Olatayo Ajiboye

Olatayo, who also started the billionaire Christian community online said the Conference became necessary because people were demanding for the teaching of God on making money in the right way.

“We want to bring a system in place for an annual conference. God wants me to dwell in a city without poverty; recruit billionaires to promote the last phase of the Gospel; to repair the things that are not being properly done,” he said

He added: “The truth is, the reason we have corruption in Nigeria,  why the youth are ready to do anything; ready to kill, ready to steal so that they can get money is because they don’t have the right principles.

“And there are ways that God wants us to grow. There are ways that God has decided that His people will grow. And whatever you want to become in life, there are principles that God has laid down for us in the scriptures that we should follow that can take us to the heights we want to get to financially and in any other area.

“So, these principles we need to make these known to our youths in Africa; to our youths all over the world. So, instead of killing, especially in Nigeria, instead of participating in corruption that is detrimental to our economy; that is detrimental to the body of Christ as a whole; that is detrimental to our nation, there are other ways; there are other means that God has provided for His people to get the wealth and we will explore these ways during the conference,” he added.



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1 comment

Billionaire Christian body to finance startup initiatives December 17, 2023 - 8:14 pm

[…] movement, according to Olatayo followed a divine encounter he had in 2010 during which God promised him a […]


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