
Bible Society of Nigeria: We gave out N16.7M worth of Bibles in 2022

by Church Times

The Bible Society of Nigeria (BSN)  has said it donated assorted Bibles worth ₦16.7 million in the year 2022

A statement by the society’s Media and Public Relations Manager, Mr. Ben Mordi informed that the donation was in line with the society’s free Bible distribution objective.

Mordi stated that the worth of the Bibles donated to the sighted was ₦9.8 million, while 137 complete sets of Braille Bible given to people with visual disabilities cost the society ₦6.9 million.

He said the gesture is in line with The Society’s mission to make the Holy Bible available to Nigerians in their preferred languages and formats and help them engage with the word of God through life-transforming programmes

Beneficiaries of the free Bible distribution included prison inmates, churches, Christian fellowships and organisations, schools for the blind, and individual members of the public, among others.

A complete set of the Braille Bible, which comes in 37 volumes, costs ₦50,000.

The free Bible according to the statement was made possible with funds donated by members of the Bible-A-Month Club, Special Members, corporate organisations, churches, and individual donors for the Braille Bible project, You Can Be Their Eyes (YCBTE).

The statement noted that with the free Bible distribution and other laudable programmes, the BSN has continued to break every known barrier that makes the Word of God inaccessible to people.

The BSN is a not-for-profit interdenominational Christian organisation that translates the Bible into local languages, distributes, publishes, and raises funds for the Bible work. So far, the organisation has translated the full Bible into 27 Nigerian languages, while Bible translation/revision is ongoing in 10 Nigerian languages.



Benjamin Mordi

Manager, Media & PR

1 comment

BS-AFRICA (Bon Samaritain en Afrique) March 18, 2023 - 10:21 am

Nous sommes BS-AFRICA (Bon Samaritain en Afrique) des volontaires évangélique résidant à Kinshasa en République Démocratique du Congo nous œuvrons dans le domaine de l’évangélisation et mission, dans la distribution des bibles et traités parlant de la bonne nouvelle de Jésus-Christ, dans ce cas nous cherchons des partenaires qui peuvent nous aider avec des bibles ou traités pour nous amener à accomplir notre mission
Merci pour votre collaboration et la bonne foie que vous portez sur notre organisation
Que Dieu vous accompagne dans tous ce que vous faites pour la gloire de son Nom

Contactez nous
Bob KIPPE Coordonnateur National


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