The many battles of Prophet Solomon Ajao…once taken for a mad man, N50 million church destroyed and many more

by Church Times


By Wilson Adekumola




Despite the destruction of his N50 million church auditorium during the Endsars protest in 2020, Prophet Solomon Ajao seems undeterred.


Prophet Solomon Ajao


Ajao, mother’s only surviving child

His church, Christ Apostolic Church,(CAC) Warriors for Christ Mission has picked up again.

Born in 1957 in Ibadan, Oyo State, Prophet Ajao seems to have developed tough skin right from childhood.

He is the only surviving child of his mother’s 11 children. His mother was the last of the seven wives of his father.

His romance with his father who was a farmer, hunter, and ‘sango’ (god of thunder) worshipper must have toughened him.

He never had a formal education. But he studied Quran as a child. He later learned bricklaying for twelve years with his uncle. The training took so long because he also took lessons in carpentry, iron bending, and every other thing that has to do with building construction.

The accident that broke his legs

By the time he finished the rigorous training, he was set to return to Iwo in Oyo State when he had an accident that could have truncated his life’s journey. But he survived.

He recalled, “I broke my two legs in the accident and was taken to University College Hospital (UCH), Ibadan where I spent one year and nine months.”

It was while undergoing that ordeal that he encountered Jesus. His stepbrother who was a Christian took interest in him and was always assisting him to the hospital.
The brother was to later challenge him asking him to come to Jesus. He assured him that Jesus was so real and that he would make himself manifest to him if he could just call him.

Jesus appeared to him while facing Sango altar

He did call on Jesus. Incidentally, it was while facing the altar of Sango which was opposite the room he slept that Jesus appeared to him

“He told me many things. It was a great surprise to me when I woke up. That was about forty-five years ago now. It was that marvelous experience that changed my life. I now vowed that if He could heal me permanently I will worship Him forever.

He went to church thereafter. “I was clapping and praying in church when something like fire in form of atlas came and entered into my chest. I fell down and became unconscious. The congregation was surprised to see me that way because that was my first time in the church. That was how I received my healing.”

Mystery charm

But before the divine healing of his bones, his father had prepared a charm that would make him disappear from an accident scene. The charm was with him when he heard a voice instructing him to remove it from his body since he had encountered Jesus.

He removed the charm and put it inside a tin. But by the time he got home, the charm was already in the custody of his father. How the charm got to his father is still a mystery.

From that day, each time he entered his father’s ‘power house’ and touched any charm it would become powerless. That was how he ended his romance with charms.
His father who hails from Erin in Osun State had planned that he would inherit his baggage of charms. But that was not to be as he now has Jesus as his lover.

Encounter with the holy spirit

By the time Prophet Ajao came into ministry full time, he began to experience the Holy Spirit in various forms and had to go through all kinds of incredible challenges.

He recalled a particular situation when the Holy Spirit revealed things as if he was daydreaming, “Holy Spirit would always instruct me to look up and when I looked up I would see things that no other person would see.”

Ajao who said he got his livelihood from contract jobs in a Co-operative Bank while in Ibadan said he had no problem making money.

He was so deep in the building construction business that he said he could build a house in one day because of the mass of people working with him.

God’s call and the miracle house

It was in the midst of this that God called him. “God told me that the time had come for me to do His work. I told God if He was the one calling me He should build a house for me. I didn’t want to stay in a rented apartment. To my surprise, I was able to build a three-bedroom apartment in two places within three months. That was a clear sign that God wanted me to work for him.”

But God was not done. On another occasion, he was in the front of the bank that gives him most of the contracts when God asked him to look up.

He did and saw thunder lightning. “The Lord said He would destroy the office which was a 9-storey building and I would rebuild it. I started pleading, telling God that if He destroys the building it would damage many things and many people would also be injured.”

It seemed God had answered his prayers. But three days after the Lord came to him and said since He would not want the building destroyed, he should reject any contract job coming from there.

Rather than hearken to God’s voice he would collect money from the bank without doing their job. He later became a nuisance. He ran into so many debts. But God kept on talking to him to heed the evangelical call. It was while going through the ordeal that God spoke to him on a prayer mountain to come down to Lagos.

“But I did not want to go to Lagos because of my previous experience when I first came. I planned to go up north instead. On my way, the spirit told me to pray and I went to ‘Orioke Abiye’ in Ede, Osun State.

Sent to Lagos, taken for a mad man

“I spent three days there and the Lord told me in my vision again that He did not send me to the north. I returned to Shasha mountain in Ibadan where God now directed me to a woman who came from Lagos to pray at the mountain.

“After I have decided to follow God’s instruction, I came to Lagos and as I got to toll gate I met the same woman I prayed for at the mountain. She then took me to Ketu-Alapere, Lagos.

“The woman was a midwife but a widow with children. She used her living room for maternity. I stayed with her for about three months or so.

“Each time I found a pregnant woman who had difficulty with delivery or looking for the fruit of the womb I would use prayer to intervene. There were instant miracles and testimonies.

Life under a mango tree

But some unforeseen circumstances forced Ajao to leave the woman. Shortly after he left the woman he ran into another prophet who was into some diabolical things. He left the diabolical prophet and became confused wondering where to go next.

It was in the midst of this confusion that he found a mango tree that became his abode for five months and twenty-one days.

“I would pray and worship God on this tree. Even when pupils were coming back from school they would be throwing stones to plug the mango.

“People thought I was a mad man. In fact, some called me lunatic because of the impression they had about me. I looked unkempt. No food to eat.  I only fed on crab throughout the time I spent under this tree. I would pick the crab beside the road and cook it when the food seller around the area had gone home.

“There was a day a woman who I noticed always passed by to her cassava farm was carrying her daughter shouting for help. I observed that it seemed her daughter was in a coma. The spirit told me to go to her. I decided to rush down to help her. She was afraid to hand over the girl to me thinking I was a mad man.

The miracle that birthed the church

“But since she was helpless she had no option than to give me the distressed girl. I began to pray in the name of Jesus. The girl came to life. People who thought I was a mad man and afraid to come nearer later realized that I was not mad

“The woman went to spread the news that I was not a mad man but a man of God. They now gathered to see me. They brought different foods for me. I could not even eat. I was filled with joy.”

It was that incident that led to the church. They started doing Bible study under the mango tree. One man later built a tent for the church. That was in Ajose, Ikorodu.

From Ikorodu he moved to Ijeshatedo where the church used an uncompleted building. He was evicted from the place. It was after this experience that he went to one man he had prayed for when he was sick.

Now in Fagba

“His name is Olatunji Coker. He is the owner of the land we are now. He leased it to the mechanic then before he revoked it and sold it to me. It was another war. You know what it means to cross the path of mechanics that were pursued from a particular land. But that is a story for another day.” He disclosed.

Ajao, says his ability to win souls for Christ is his greatest achievement. He then urged the church leaders to make soul winning paramount and ensure the souls they win are nurtured spiritually.

Prophet Ajao’s church is located at, 9, Railway Line, off Jonathan Coker Road, Fagba junction, Ifako-Ijaiye, Lagos.

 He could be reached on: 08033056254, 08036666455


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1 comment

Akinloye Thomas February 23, 2022 - 8:44 pm

Glory be to God almighty for the great thing God as don for our father in the Lord, I believe God of my father Olukunmi Ajo, he can do more than that in my life, he can change my story to testimony. (Amen)
More anointing Daddy


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