Atinutobi Initiative supports preterm babies, others In Oyo

by Church Times



The donation ceremony at Oni Memorial Hospital

A Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), Atinutobi Initiative, has given support to some preterm babies in Ibadan, Oyo State.

Founder of the NGO, Kikelomo Olayeni Idowu, gave support to preterm babies and mothers at Oni Memorial Children Hospital, Ibadan.

Commenting on the initiative, she said, “It’s part of the mission of the initiative to take care of preterm babies having been a preterm baby myself. This is also my little way of giving back as an entrepreneur as well as a way of marking my birthday this year.”

The organization donated a substantial amount of money to a set of preterm triplets, six individuals preterm babies as well as an abandoned girl.

She said, “I find it fulfilling giving back to the less privileged in our community. This necessitated our visit. We extended our show of love to a baby abandoned by a 15yr-old girl who was found and adopted by an orphanage.

Also, a 16-year-old mother who gave birth to a preterm baby was shown love and support.”

Speaking on the past projects by Atinutobi the entrepreneur said her initiative has embarked on Women Empowerment projects, sponsorship of widows’ children for their WAEC examinations among others.

The preterm baby advocate reiterated that the initiative is open for corporate sponsors and sustainable partnerships to enable the organization to do more for the less privileged.

Advising the government on citizen’s welfare, she said government at all levels should create platforms to extend care to citizens who are challenged financially and otherwise by creating a functional welfare department that will supply food and basic needs on a monthly or quarterly basis to these citizens.

 “Our hospitals should be better equipped and do more by taking care of preterm babies providing them with incubators and other equipment to take care of them. We are losing the lives of most preterm babies because of lack of adequate care. She noted.”

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