
Akeredolu: I was beneficiary of TB Joshua’s philanthropy even as governor, recalls how he impacted Ondo communities

by Church Times

The governor of Ondo State, Arakunrin Rotimi Akeredolu has recounted how Prophet Temitope Joshua impacted his life even as a governor saying “he not only impacted the less privileged but also the privileged. I was a beneficiary of his philanthropy”

Akeredolu who paid glowing tribute to Prophet Joshua at the burial service holding at the Synagogue Church of All Nations in Lagos on Friday, July 9 said the late prophet was indeed a phenomenon.

At the burial service monitored by Church Times,  Akeredolu recalled that few days after he won the election as the governor of Ondo State, Prophet Joshua drove down to Owo to congratulate him.

He put ‘something’ in my pocket

His words, “He drove to Owo my hometown. I think something went wrong with his vehicle but he managed to get to Owo. No other person has ever done that before.

“He said he came to wish me well. He prayed with me. When he was leaving, he put something in my pocket. It was a great thing he put in my pocket. I am a privileged person yet he blessed me. He also asked me to give my wife some money too which I delivered.

“I owe him a duty to be here today. We can’t forget so soon the things we benefited from him. He empowered youths. He paid huge electricity bills for four local government areas in Ondo State. He assisted communities.  He bought transformers for a number of communities. He ensured many communities that have been without light were reconnected to the national grid. He gave logical support to security agencies. Before he left, he supported the great Amotekun.”

Akeredolu said further that the Akoko community in Ondo State will not forget his yearly largess adding that he had planned to build a university in Ondo State.

Continuing his speech he said, “When he passed on the kabiyesi of Arigidi called me to mobilize me against his being buried in Lagos. This was the only person who died and the whole town closed markets and shop for one week. Kabiyeesi was convinced we should bring the body to Arigidi.

“But I told him that it is for the family to decide not for me. It took me time to convince him that though TB came from Ondo state he is a world citizen. Where he has touched, many will not touch till Christ will come. His ministry is global because a number of us seek spiritual uplifting. Many who have come here have gotten what they wanted.”

While describing Joshua’s loss, as a loss to humanity, Akeredolu said, “the Synagogue is probably the most important tourist centre in Nigeria. His humanitarian and charity work touched several lives. he has left unforgettable legacies.”

He left a big shoe

Turning to Pastor Evelyn Joshua, widow of the late Prophet he said, “My sister, your husband left a big shoe. God is the one that put people in a position. His legacy is worth celebrating and we are here to celebrate a deserving person. Now that he has gone to the other side we can still emulate and follow his legacies. He has engraved himself in the heart of the people of the world. Emmanuel TV is being watched all over the world. We will not forget our late brother in a hurry.”

Akeredolu went on and on to eulogise the late prophet saying, “By all standard, prophet TB Joshua led a Christlike life.

He took a jibe at Prophet Joshua’s critics who were not at home with his style. He asked, “Are you the one that will determine who a Christ-follower is? Christ himself said if they are not against us they are for us. Let us imbibe his exemplary life.

“He was a firm believer in love. He preached love in most of his messages, he was a man of peace who remained focus and undeterred in his mission on earth despite criticism. I know how he took those criticisms. He enjoyed it.

“He once said to me that with the criticism, he was getting more blessed, what else does he want. His style portrays originality. It portrayed peculiarity. He is humble and simple. He was a gifted leader and was able to command large followership across the globe. He pulled himself by the bootstrap to attain stardom.”

Read also: Bola Bolawole, ex-punch editor writes on encounter with TB Joshua: https://churchtimesnigeria.net/bola-bolawole-experience-tb-joshua/


Joshua Performed miracles right from primary school

Earlier in his speech, governor Akeredolu recalled the humble beginnings of Prophet Joshua noting however that he rose to become a global brand.

“I am not too sure if we have had the world congregated like this in this country. I think the world is more represented here than when Dr. Nelson Mandela was buried. He contributed greatly to uplifting the downtrodden. He contributed to the emancipation of less privileged and special people. He touched their lives economically and spiritually.”

Akeredolu said from accounts given by his peers, “He was not born with a silver spoon. But he was a special child. He could perform miracles right from primary school. He was one who could sit down among his mates and tell them what to do and what not to do. He has been special from birth. Very special. That could have been the reason for his adventure in life. He was born with a special gift.”

Akeredolu then promised to continue to support the church whenever he is called upon.


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