Adeboye on sex

Adeboye laments collapse of naira, expresses doubt about 2023 election

by Church Times

 General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, Pastor Enoch Adeboye  has decried the state of Nigeria’s currency wondering why the government is thinking of making  it more beautiful, “even if it can’t buy bread”

 Adeboye made the observation while preaching on Friday, November 4 at the church’s monthly Holy Ghost night.

 He said however said the situation in the country is such that people must just learn to laugh if they don’t want to develop high blood pressure. 

His words,  “if you don’t learn to laugh in Nigeria now, you will develop hypertension”.

He then urged Christians to humble themselves and pray.

God yet to tell me about 2023

Adeboye also expressed doubts about the 2023 elections saying he was yet to hear from God about it. He had said severally in the past that he was not certain election will hold in 2023 since God was yet to tell him.

 This time, he said, “My daddy (referring to God) has not told me yet that there will be an election next year.  We continue as if it’s going to be. I am talking of Adeboye, not other people.

 “That yet should be in capital letters because he may tell me tomorrow but as of this moment, he has not told me there will be election.

 “He perhaps might have told other people. But he has not told me. I am talking about myself. Of course, I will pray for anybody who wants prayers.”

 He said his submission however does not call for fear adding that people can still carry on with the preparation for the election.

 “I am not saying this to scare you. I am not telling you anything secret I don’t know. I am only saying I am yet to hear from God.”

Rain associated with blessings

In his message titled, let it rain, Adeboye described rain as a symbol of hope, restoration, revival, and divine favour.

 He said in the spiritual realm, rain is associated with blessing.

 “Rain is associated with God’s pleasure. God is pleased when we hearken to his voice and do whatever he commands us. The blessing will overtake us. Rain leads to surplus.”

 Making several references to the Bible, he said rain is also associated with divine supply and fruitfulness.

 He however said lack of rain is a curse. “It is a sign that God is displeased. You can sow any manner of seed, if rain does not fall on it, there will be no harvest. Lack of rain is a curse.”

While noting that God is the giver of rain, he said, “When he wants to give rain, he gives it moderately. If it is too much it becomes a flood. When God wanted to destroy the world in the time of Noah he sent rain.

 “That is why we need to pray.  We need rain, we need it moderately. We need to contact the one who gives rain to give it to us appropriately.”


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