church leaders

Adeboye to preach @ launch of Rev Esther Ajayi’s multi-billion naira Church Cathedral

by Church Times


By Wilson Adekumola

The General Overseer of Redeemed Christian Church of God, RCCG, Pastor Enoch Adeboye will be the guest minister at the official inauguration of the multi-billion naira Love of Christ Generation Church Cathedral on Sunday, September 5.

Prominent among those who will be at the event that starts at 10 a.m include; the president of Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), Supo Ayokunle, the founder of Mountain of Fire and Miracle  (MFM) Dr. Daniel Olukoya, the founder of Christ Apostolic Church, (CAC) Agbala Itura, Prophet Samuel Abiara.

The head of Celestial Church of Christ (CCC), Mobiyina Oshoffa, the head Cherubim, and Seraphim, (C&S), Pa Adegboyega Alao are expected at the event. Former president of Nigeria, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, the Oni of Ife, Oba Adeyeye Ogunwusi, Ojaja 2 among others will also grace the occasion.

The founder of the church, Reverend Mother Esther Abimbola Ajayi made this known during a chat with some journalists on Friday.

The event will take place at the church auditorium situated at; Water Corporation Drive, Off Ligali Ayorinde Street (after Landmark Tower), Victoria Island, Lagos.

She said, “I am glad to tell you that ‘Baami’ Enoch Adejare Adeboye will be the one to preach when we will be dedicating our church auditorium on Sunday. I know you will be surprised because this kind of thing has not happened in the history of the white garment church before.  But that will tell you as promised, that we are on the mission to unite the body of Christ. The body of Christ is not divided. We are on the mission together, God is answering this prayer on this mission and we will get there. Jesus Christ is not a magician. He is a miracle worker. He is working miraculously to take us there.

“I know many will wonder why Pa Enoch Adeboye will deliver sermon in C&S church. It simply means we are united. We are coming together as one body in Christ. God is also God of the gentiles. I have a vision that this is just the beginning of an amazing thing. The Lord has just started with me.”

The Multi-billion naira church complex

All church leaders are my fathers in faith

Ajayi also added that other top church leaders will be available to grace the occasion saying all church leaders are her fathers’ in faith,  “many top church leaders will grace this occasion because all of them are my fathers’ in faith. I look up to all of them. Let me tell you that the head of C&S worldwide, Pa Solomon Adegboyega Alao, has a Muslim background, somebody that had even preached against Christianity before.

“He even revealed that he used his wife’s white garment to sew pillow case. But today he is the head of a Christian denomination. Redemption Camp used to be a forest. But see how God used Pastor Adeboye to transform it into a city. Similarly look at Oyedepo, Olukayo, and others that also turned the wilderness around their churches into cities. I look up to great church leaders like that.”

Church leaders with incredible testimonies

She cited the example of other men of God who had incredible stories. “There is George Bluman from Texas coming from prison to be a preacher. We have people like Mike Murdock in whom about 600 worms were taken from his body when he was young. Today, he is serving the Lord. There is also the incredible example of Joyce Meyers who was molested by her father when she was young had become one of the richest preachers in the world. I look up to these great ministers of God. In fact, I covet their grace every time I pray.”

Ignorance makes people travel abroad for succour

Asked her perspective on the influx of youth to developed countries, Ajayi who had spent years in the United Kingdom said, “It is ignorance that makes us go to developed countries looking for succour, we have to be very careful of how we educate our people.  For example, after coming back, I left for about fifteen years, I discovered I cannot live anywhere except in Africa because home is home. Sometimes a lot of people regret going abroad. But they find it difficult to retrace their steps back”

“The developed countries also have their ups and downs. Many go there because of their economy but they eventually realize things are not as rosy as they think. The rent alone is killing there. We spent about 850 pounds every month on rent. The tax my husband paid then was about 60 pounds per annum. But many are not aware of this. They erroneously think going abroad is the way forward. I have always said this if you have N100k in your account after spending and saving you can survive here in Nigeria. But you hardly see a black man that would have 40 pounds left after spending in the U.K. That is how their society is.”

She noted that only nurses and a few professionals still make some money in the UK adding that “it is difficult to make it abroad. So, it is better to stay here. I will advise you to be yourself, boss, if you have a passion for making soap, cosmetics, tailoring or anything, develop yourself don’t wait for the government. If you wait you will wait forever. Where we are missing is that a lot of people are still waiting for the government. Just do something to be self-employed.

“The world evolving if you have a smart phone you can operate from your small phone where you don’t have to pay rent, we just have to think and do something. God, we help us.” She prayed.

Ajayi who many thought has relocated to Nigeria because of her regular presence in the country stated further that she has not practically relocated to Nigeria noting that she will still be visiting the U.K because of her church England. “I have another church in England and in Osun State as well but I guarantee three-quarter of my time will be spent here. There is nowhere like home. I have tasted it. Those who are running abroad is because they have not tasted it. By the time you taste it you will see it. It is just like somebody running from the village to come to Lagos, it is not as easy as thought.”

She said some people are abroad because they don’t have money to even buy tickets to come home not to talk about where they would stay.

God will intervene in Nigeria

Reacting to the issue of insecurity in Nigeria she said Nigeria should be patient and prayerful, “ the thing is that you cannot use the devil to send the devil away. Nigeria is like marriage. Somebody has to be patient otherwise the marriage will hit the rock and that will be the end. We cannot use violence to curtail violence. I believe at one point, the creator of the universe will intervene. He is our creator, he will never leave or forsake us. Where will fighting take us to? It will turn to war and we don’t want war in this country. Our story is different from that of Afghanistan.”

The prophetess observed that Coronavirus has sent a message to us. “In Africa, we pray about everything and the creator of the whole universe listens and he answers our prayers. We all know how people are dying in thousands in other countries but the mercy of the Lord is with us. How the Lord did it is still a mystery to them. But we will get there. We can observe that a lot of Muslims are turning to Christ. I know somebody on a jihad mission but he encountered Christ. His hand is not shortened that he will not deliver us. I don’t believe in violence.” She declared.


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