Nigeria's glory


by Church Times

By Gbemiga Olakunle


Text: ” But Thou O LORD, art a shield for me, my GLORY, and the Lifter up of mine head”- Psalm 3:3, KJV.

Nigeria's glory


The opposite of glory is shame. May we not be put to shame in any form as individuals or a nation in JESUS Name.

Glory is what distinguishes a person from a crowd or an assembly of people. It is what makes an individual to shine, gives joy and makes the fellow excel above others in the person’s chosen calling or career.

When a glory refuses to shine on time or is delayed, the owner will be struggling and may find it difficult to have or experience some desired breakthroughs in life.

The glory of a maiden is her chastity, beauty and a good character while the glory of a King or a President is the multitude of his people (quality people) with his country’s natural and human resources.

When glory is delayed or hindered from shining on time as divinely programmed by GOD Himself, it can lead to endless struggles, frustrations, stagnation, backwardness, poverty, depression or eventually resulting in the untimely death of the glory owner in extreme cases.. May these not be our portion in JESUS Name.

How can a Glory be delayed or hindered?

A glory can be delayed or hindered from shining through diabolical means of destiny hijackers/ robbers or Star hunters.  When a man’s destiny is hijacked or exchanged through satanic powers, the hijacker will be making exploits with it while the real owner will be labouring under closed heaven until the mercy of GOD shows forth and make the person to recover whatever the enemies or their agents have stolen. That was the case of Esau and Jacob- the Supplanter.

And to recover a glory is not like a tea party as Isaac counselled Esau when Jacob through the connivance of his mother outsmarted and stole Esau’s birthright. Isaac their father on how to recover part of his glory from Jacob pointedly told  Esau ” And by the sword shall thou live, and shall serve thy brother, and it shall come to pass when thou shalt have thy dominion, that thou shalt break his yoke from off thy neck”- Gen. 27: 40, KJV.


How can we recognize a suspected Destiny hijacker? 

We should pay keen attention to our dreams. When you noticed a known face usually a family member or a friend following you about like a ” zombie” repeatedly in your dreams, be sure that person or those who want to carry out the destiny exchange on are up to certain mischief- to steal. And if a recovery is not done on time to reverse the evil process and stop them in their tracks, they will move ahead to kill and destroy the carrier of the glory.

But thank GOD, it is for these reasons that our LORD JESUS CHRIST was manifested so that He can destroy the works of the enemy.

But the owner of the glory be it an individual, a community or even as a nation has a responsibility to cry out and call on God for His divine intervention. And that is why whenever GOD is moved with the pains of His people and wants to show them mercy or wants His Mercy to speak forth on their behalf, He would always look for an Intercessor or a group of Intercessors to call His attention to an ugly trend in the life of an individual, a community or a nation.

In other words, GOD is looking for a Man or group of Intercessors to share His burdens for a group of people who are wailing and unable to escape or rescue themselves from evil circumstances they might have found themselves as individuals or a group of people be it a Community or a Nation.

Instead of murmuring which is another crime before GOD, let us instead cry unto GOD to send us our Destiny helpers whom GOD will empower by His own mercy to sort our issues out as individuals, family groups, Faith/ Professional organizations or even as a Nation in times like this when some people are already seeking for help from wrong places like cultism or strange gods.

Instead, Psalm 121 with emphasis on verses 1 & 2 should be our Anchor which state and I quote: ” I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the LORD which made heaven and earth. ”

And so since we already knew what the problems are and their causative agents, let us chose or volunteer to be on GOD’S side to be part of His Solution Program for our land as we cry unto Him to send us Destiny Helpers to help our lives as individuals, groups of people or as a Nation. Who knows, GOD can even use some of us as Prophet Isaiah who says “Here I am LORD, send me”.

Instead of murmuring and heating up the already tensed up polity in our communities or our Nation through unguarded comments as a result of the pains being inflicted on us by our Tasks- Masters at various levels of our Social and Political strata, let us chose to be counted and move to the LORD’S side as we watch  Him in action moving through our land ( Nigeria) and individual lives soonest in JESUS Name.

Will you stand out and be counted in this ongoing crucial Move of GOD in our land which only the discerning eyes can see? May GOD help us as we identify with Him in His drive to recover our individual glories and the glory of our land for us in JESUS Name.


Gbemiga OLAKUNLE JP is the General Secretary of National Prayer Movement


2nd Semester, 2020.

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