Baptist World Alliance in Nigeria and its peace advocacy

by Church Times

The Annual Baptist World Alliance Conference hosted by  the Nigerian Baptist Convention at the Eko Hotel, Lagos was truly a remarkable event.

For a long time the conference will continue to be a reference point.

Key issues that affect humanity – Poverty,Hunger, Justice Security and Access to livelihood and Peace were addressed during the event which held from July 5 to 12

President of the Nigerian Baptist Convention Rev Dr. Israel Akanji who is also  the President of the All Africa Baptist Fellowship (AABF) was more than excited to  welcome the delegates to the state of aquatic splendor.

Akanji recalled historical landmarks of Nigeria as well as the impact of Baptist Mission work in Nigeria…

The Baptist World Alliance comprising of 51 million people in 130 communities and 253 member bodies are unified by a primary mission to impact the world for Christ.
The hosting was a veritable platform to leverage the impact of Baptist Mission work in Nigeria. It further elevated the significant position the Baptist denomination occupies not only in Africa but across the globe.

It was a gathering that witnessed thousands of Baptists who converged on Nigeria for the first time. It is a thing of joy and pride that Nigeria hosted the epoch event

The conference has as its theme” Ambassadors of peace”. The theme is all encompassing as it reinforces the message of living in peace with all people.

It was a major avenue to enjoin Baptists to be worthy ambassadors of Christ and promote peace in all ramifications.

Rev Dr Elijah Brown, the General Secretary, Baptist World Alliance stressed the need for peace and justice in the world and the  African continent in particular.

He said , “There are violent conflict in the continent and we call on the various governments to put an end to such” Brown says the conference is placing a huge premium on peace and as a result, Baptist members should live in peace with others wherever they live.

Peace is one of the critical focus of the conference as it remained what all and Sundry should embrace.

The General Session of the conference according to Brown, deliberated on poverty and hunger as Brown says the denomination should obey Jesus’s instructions to help those facing hunger.

‘People should have access to livelihood’, he enthused.

Brown had hinted during a media briefing that poverty and hunger are key areas of focus for the conference.
While bemoaning the malaise of corruption,

He urged government to address the scourge  of corruption as it affects the entire citizens.

He declared that Baptists can become Ambassadors of peace to fight corruption.

Brown called on everyone to have a godly mind. “The only way forward for peace in Nigeria is to reject retribution, to avoid retaliation but to continue to build relationships across the religions.” he said..

He also clamoured for good governance when he stated that “Baptists stand with policies that work for the good of the people. We urge good governance and policies that benefit the people”,

The issue of religious freedom also occupied the front burner as Brown emphasized the need for religion freedom for all people. People should not be denied the opportunity to practice their faith.

Baptist work 

The Baptist work in Nigeria continues to grow in leaps and bounds as the denomination is a significant contributor to nation development.

Dr Akanji says that the impact and influence of the Baptist denomination in education cannot be underestimated. The denomination started new schools in order to develop the growth of the education sector.

In the health sector, the school of nursing at Ogbomosho and Oyo have been turning out 1,000 nurses annually.

This is significant to note that the Baptist denomination runs one of the best teaching hospitals in the country. This, according to him is at a great cost.

Akanji is also passionate about peace and he enjoined Baptists to promote peace and love one another. it is important for us to show love to others as God designed it.

In promoting peace and justice in the country, Akanji decried the state of insecurity and urged government to address the monster.

‘There should be increase in private security initiatives to support government  to address the insecurity situation: he said.

Akanji expressed disgust at the rate of impunity in Nigeria. he wondered how people commit crimes and still walk about freely.

He believes Faith based organizations cannot do it alone and called on government to consider state police to solve the insecurity issues in the country.

In underscoring the importance of the theme “Ambassadors of peace “,

BICC meeting

The Nigeria Baptist convention hosted all the delegates at the Baptist international Convention Center (BICC) on the Lagos/Ibadan Expressway.

It was an evening of worship, hymn singing and dancing. The delegates were thrilled at the first of its kind edifice that sits 37,000 people.

It was a colorful event that showcased Nigeria’s rich cultural heritage in a religious and spirit filled atmosphere.

The delegates savoured the spiritually filled ambience of warm hospitality and outpouring of love by their Nigerian counterparts.

A major highlight of the global gathering was the Theological Education Conference. The Theological Educators deliberated on how to develop curriculum that promotes peace making.

There were discussions and presentations on the theme “Ambassadors of Peace and the impact of Theological Education.

Some key Theological experts such as Professor Eniola Niniola, Erudite Scholar and former President of the Nigeria Baptist Theological Seminary, (NBTS), Ogbomosho,

The current President, Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary, Professor. Stephen Ayankeye and Professor Esther Ayandokun, Rector Baptist College of Theology, Oyo made presentations Co-ordinated session on the theme.

The conference which attracted leaders, Educators public office holders and leadership experts around the world featured discussions, presentations and plenary sessions.

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