Nigeria's glory

The scary dream about Nigeria and call for prayers by Gbemiga Olakunle

by Church Times

In my dream on Saturday, July 23rd, 2022, I had a revelation in which I saw the President in a military uniform with a Long Arm Rifle ( LAR) dangling across his shoulder.  At the same time, I saw an object that looks like a truck flying over the space where the President was standing. I also heard a gunshot but Mr. President didn’t respond.

By the time I woke up, the Spirit of God made me understand that issues are loading that may be pushing Nigeria to the tipping point of a precipe. We should therefore pray for GOD’S timely intervention to quickly arrest undesirable situations in JESUS’ Name.

Normally, trucks unlike aircraft don’t fly airborne. It may therefore symbolise a dramatic foreign invasion or a sudden outburst of an internal crisis which may catch up with the government unawares.

Already the geographical expression or Sovereign Entity called Nigeria is infiltrated by some foreign elements that are terrorizing the inhabitants of this country. While we continue to pray that GOD in His own way deals with these terrorists/ armed bandits with their alleged internal collaborators, let us pray that GOD should avert/ prevent the breakout of any form of Civil War in this country in JESUS’ Name.

As to the forthcoming 2023 General Elections, the Nation is now at a crossroads and we need GOD’S direction to show us the right path.

The Scripture in Proverbs 16: 25, KJV says, ” There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof is the way of death”. And may we not take that way in JESUS Name.

In other words and for clarity purposes, let us ask GOD to choose for us the right leaders and prevent us from electing candidates that will further compound our socio-economic and political problems in this Nation.

Let us pray that GOD should have mercy on us as individuals and collectively as a Nation with a view to rescuing us from our TaskMasters both in the Spiritual and Physical realms soonest in JESUS’ Name.

If we can pray in faith and look unto the hills( heavens) from where our help will come from in line with Psalm 121, there is a GOD in heaven – the Potentate who is ever ready to listen to our cries and He will surely answer us speedily in JESUS Name.



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