life of purpose

Possession: A fictional representation of a walk to fulfilment(1)

by Church Times



By Olamide Dawodu


Tope had been fasting for the past three days. It was a tradition for her to set apart three days every month for a personal retreat. She began to prepare to study the Bible and pray while also putting her room in order.

She was expecting a visitor. Her friend’s younger sister, Tamilore would be staying at her place for a few days, due to her post UTME

She called Tamilore on the phone to be sure she was on her way and to confirm if she got the description she sent.

Tamilore was already on her way when her phone rang.

“Hello, sister Tope. good afternoon ma’am” Tamilore greeted as she picked up the call.

“Hi! Tamilore, I want to be sure you are on your way” Tope said

“Yes ma, I am”. Tamilore responded

“Okay good to hear. Just make sure you follow the description I sent to you when you get down at the school gate”. Tope advised

“Yes ma, I will. But ma, I am coming with a classmate of mine. She doesn’t have where to stay. Please ma, can we stay with you together? I am sorry I’m just informing you”.  Tamilore pleaded, wondering if her request would be granted.

“It’s fine. You can stay with me. It’s not a problem at all”. Tope obliged

“Thank you so much ma. We are grateful”. said Tamilore with a tinge of excitement

“You are welcome dear,” said Tope as she hung up and picked up her Bible to do some study and thereafter began praying. She had planned to break her fast by 3:00 pm. After she was done praying, she glanced at the time and saw it was 3:15 pm.

The urge to pray more

“Wow! it’s time to break my fast”. She said to herself in a rather subdued voice while also thanking Jesus for the strength to fast.

She entered her kitchen and was about to take some water when she had this strange urge to pray more.  Immediately she left the kitchen and went back to the room.

“What could be wrong? Why is my spirit not settled? I still feel like praying” She said

A Bible verse dropped in her mind. She took her Bible and opened to Ephesians 6:18.

“Surely, there is somebody I need to intercede for. Romans 6:28 says; likewise, the Spirit also helps our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered” As she uttered those words, she began praying and interceding

By the time she finished praying, it was 6:00 pm already.

” Wow! I have actually prayed for long”. She wondered as she entered the kitchen, dished her food, and started eating. She soon remembered she was expecting visitors.

“Oh my! They should have been here since. She reached for her phone and saw twenty missed calls.

“Oh my God! What could be wrong?” She screamed

She had put her phone in silent mode and never knew it was ringing. By the time she checked the caller, it was Tamilore. She dialed her number back.

“Hello Tamilore”. She said

The accident

“Hello ma. This is Folasade, Tamilore’s classmate. We had an accident and Tamilore sustained injury. She has been rushed to the hospital”. Folashade informed.

“Jesus Christ!” Tope screamed

She asked the name of the hospital and it turned out It was the hospital she knew, so it was easy for her to locate the place.

Pronto, she took off immediately to the hospital and was directed straight to the room Tamilore was admitted to when she got there and saw her lying on the bed with a swollen leg and injury on her right hand. Folashade on the other hand was sitting beside her without any injury.

“Sister Tope!” Tamilore screamed, but immediately controlled her voice upon realising she was in the hospital environment

“Tami dear, how are you feeling?” Tope reached out to her, touching her injured hand

“Thank God it is minor ma”. Tamilore said with a sense of gratitude

“Halleluyah! Sister Tope, we almost saw death today”. said Folashade as she tried to recall how God saved them from a disastrous accident.

“Thank God for protection”. Tope replied

It dawned on Tope that God was urging her to pray because of the girls. She had interceded especially for Tamilore. Right there in the hospital, Tamilore was given special attention.

The nurse on duty attended to them. She was discharged as they were told it wasn’t really serious. They prescribed drugs that would relieve her of the pain. Soon they were done and had to leave the hospital.

The Jesus encounter

They boarded a cab to Tope’s house. On getting there, while they entered her room, Folashade stared at some write-ups that were pasted on the wall. A particular write-up caught her attention. She moved closer and read what was written.

” The greatest tragedy in life is not death, but a life without a purpose”. Myles Munroe

After reading, she burst into tears. Tope and Tami were surprised to see her cry.

“Folashade, what is wrong?” Tope asked her

“I just realised that I have not been walking the way God wants. The accident and this write-up, made me realise that I need to live rightly. I am a sinner” Folashade said looking forlorn.

That piece of information made a lot of sense for Tope who enjoys talking to young females and bringing them closer to God. She knew at that point, she needed to do what she likes doing.

She moved closer to Folashade and shared the word of God with her, while they prayed together. Tami was happy her classmate had given her life to Christ.

“Should she call this accident a blessing”. Tamilore thought inwardly

Folashade was happy, it was as though she had gone to the ocean to wash her sins away.

Tope asked them whether she should serve their food. Tami said she was okay since she had eaten at the hospital. Folashade on the other hand demanded water.

“Sister Tope, water will be okay for me for now, I will eat later”. Folashade said

Tope entered the kitchen, took one of her cups, and poured water for Folashade which she drank. As Folashade was about to drop the water on the table, Folashade felt her body vibrating.
Tope and Tami watched her and were curious.

“What happen to you? are you okay? Tami questioned her


©Olamide Dawodu
Lily Lammie


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