Osinbajo as president

“How VP Yemi Osinbajo will become president”  

by Church Times

A prophet, Olugbemiga Olowosoyo who prophesied Vice President Yemi Osinbajo would win the primaries of the All Progressive Congress has done a rejoinder about the prophecy.

 He said when it turned out that the VP did not win the primaries he went back to God in prayers. And God told him there was no time he told him Osinbajo would win the APC primaries.

 He however said Osinbajo would still become president of Nigeria according to God’s word despite not winning the APC primaries.

Prophecy needs prayer

 Olowosoyo said, “ God told me, did I ever tell you that Osinbajo would be president. And I did not know what to say in return. I now said somebody told me that Osinbajo would be president. And he now said, does being the president and winning primaries mean the same thing? And he said you have a long journey to go with me as my oracle. When I say something, listen to what I said and focus on what I said. Not on what you think.”

 The prophet said further that God reminded him there had been somebody who became president in Nigeria without going through party primaries. And also that there had been somebody who won the election and never became president.

 While disclosing that God chided him for being shallow in his understanding, Olowosoyo said God further gave him some other personal messages.

 He however said we should continue to pray for Nigeria declaring, “The fact that God said something will happen does not mean it would happen. You have to pray it into existence. Did you see Jesus? When he came to the world, he had to go and fast and pray for 40 days and night, praying for his destiny even though it had been prophesied.”

 Olowosoyo explained further that prophecy needs prayer saying, “I have told you what God said to me. I have also told you what we need to do for Nigeria. I have told God, and still standing on my feet, that no person who sheds blood will become the president of Nigeria again. No drug dealer will become president of Nigeria again. It is a prayer I have been praying based on the things God has been telling me in the place of prayers.”

Nigeria will fulfill destiny

 He insisted that Nigeria’s destiny would be fulfilled this time adding that former President Goodluck Jonathan was not supposed to have handed over to Buhari.

 “It was our carelessness. The church did not pray that is why we had misrule of all these eight years,” he said.

 According to Olowosoyo, some winds have to blow for God’s purpose to be done.

 “I am holding the hands of God because without him nothing will be done. Osinbajo thought he could snatch power from them. He struggled at it. He did not know these people are too deadly. And they can do so much.”

 He said God will not be involved in Nigeria’s problem until His children invite him. “The prophesy I gave to you about Nigeria has not changed. It is we that have not brought it to fulfillment and we must bring it to fulfillment. It is not late yet.”

How Osinbajo will be president

 Olowosoyo said further, “Osinbajo was not meant to win primaries, he was not meant to contest at all. I will tell Osinbajo to go and be faithful to his job as Vice President. It is in being Vice President that you will become president. If you are not Osinbajo you will not understand what I said. But if you are close to Osinbajo tell him that I said so. Let him go and be Vice President to Buhari. The era of Buhari is ending very soon.”

 He added that Osinbajo should do his job very well and wait for what God will do.


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1 comment

John Harrington June 16, 2022 - 10:39 am

Re: Mr Olowosoyo and the presidential primaries

“But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die.”
Deuteronomy 18:20

Mr Olowosoyo should take care!


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