What God told me about 2019- Anglican Bishop

by Church Times


By Seyi Sodipo

Contrary to prophecies about a hard and challenging year, The Bishop of the Diocese of Awori (Anglican Communion), Rt. Revd. (Dr.) Johnson Akin Atere, has expressed hope that 2019 will usher in Nigeria’s hidden glory

He made this declaration in his message during the cross over night cum New Year service held at The Cathedral of St. James, Ota, Ogun State, with the theme, ‘My Year of Hidden Glory Revealed’, taken from Luke 9:32.

Atere said that Nigerians should expect the revelation of the nation’s hidden glory in 2019 adding however that the revelation of this glory will be predicated on faithfulness of Nigerians in the place of prayer and obedience to the will of God.

The Bishop further assured that Nigerians would experience a new beginning in their lives, stressing that regardless of the nation’s lingering socio-economic problems, the country would not only rise again, but God would showcase the nation’s glory in 2019.

Atere enjoined Nigerians to be God-fearing, spiritual, self-denying and forebearing if they wanted the Lord to reveal the nation’s hidden glory in their lives.

He charged the people to appreciate the extent of God’s mercy and favours on them for seeing 2019 in spite of series of terrorism, insurgencies, kidnappings and other forms of violence that bedeviled the nation in 2019.

On the elections he said, “The nation’s hidden glory would also be actualised with violence-free polls and election of people of proven integrity and track records by the electorate. God is ready to redeem the nation’s lost glory with the election of credible Nigerians into positions of authority in 2019”

He however advised the electorate to re-orientate their perceptions and not allow their votes and conscience to be bought by self-seeking politicians who would end up adding to their burden once entrusted with power.

He called on the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to endeavour to conduct credible elections in 2019, stressing that as Africa’s biggest democracy, INEC must ensure free and fair polls in 2019 in order to sustain the nation’s growing democratic culture, more so that an enduring peace and economic development could only be sustained with the conduct of free and fair polls.





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