Providence University

WATS publishes Transform, to contribute to scholarship in the Wesleyian tradition

by Church Times

West Africa Theological Seminary has announced the debut of the first volume of a peer-reviewed journal, named Transform

The publication is the product of a collaboration between WATS and various Wesleyan institutions throughout Africa.

The team of editors and contributors reflects a broad representation of Africa.

They include representatives from Burundi, Eswatini, Liberia. Kenya, Malawi and Nigeria,  South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe are also represented on the team.

Several lecturers and administrators of WATS and past lectures of the institute have assisted as peer-reviewers, editors, or contributors of this first issue.

The General Editor of the journal is Professor Gary S. Maxey, WATS founder and chairman of its Board of Trustees.

Transform is a journal of Biblical, Theological, and Practical Studies. It is published online at the following link:

The volume contains five articles and seven book reviews. Interested people may download the entire volume or each submission separately.

A statement from WATS indicates that the objective of the journal is to make a contribution to scholarship in the Wesleyan tradition, especially within the African continent.

It is also to encourage collaboration between the various partner institutions. The journal will also serve to promote the doctrine of holiness throughout Africa and beyond.

Another major objective is that it will enable the publishers to collaborate with academics in other disciplines to contribute to the discovery of truth as well as encourage and mentor new scholars.

Transform publishes scholarly articles and critical reviews of literature from a Wesleyan perspective for the Church in Africa and beyond.

As General Editor, Professor Gary S. Maxey issues “a warm welcome and invitation to scholars around the continent to publish with us in our coming editions.”

To contribute, follow the link above and click “make a submission.”


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