Sunday Igboho deserves FG’s apology not arrest-CAC pastor

by Church Times

By Wilson Adekumola

The founder of Christ Apostolic Church, CAC, Warriors for Christ Mission, Fagba, Lagos, Prophet Dr. Solomon Olukunmi Ajao (JP), has said rather than seek to arrest Sunday Adeyemo also known as Sunday Ighoho, the federal government should apologise to him for the unlawful invasion of his residence and killing of innocent lives.

Ajao who spoke with our reporter on the issue of Igboho’s arrest recently also bemoaned Police attack on Yoruba nation agitators at Ojota, Lagos

He said, “Government needs to apologize to Sunday Igboho over the security agents raid on his house. It is an infringement on his rights. If he does something that is not in compliance with the constitution, I think the best approach is to invite him for interrogation, not the uncivilized way the government attacked his house.

“I think it is because of Igboho those clamouring for the Yoruba nation were dispersed with tear gas during their mega rally in Lagos, to the extent that somebody was reportedly killed. This is barbaric and disheartening in a country we claimed we are practicing democracy. Protest is supposed to be the beauty of democracy. Such action is an infringement on their fundamental rights”

“I don’t know if he had been invited by Department of State Security (DSS) for interrogation before the raid.  Or is it a crime to express his displeasure at how the government is treating those Fulani killers’ herdsmen with kid’s gloves? If you push goat to the wall it has to retaliate. Even if you are gentle there is a limit to your tolerance. The attack on Sunday Igboho’s house is criminal.

“They said he engaged them in a gun duel and they have forgotten that it was a wrong time the DSS went to his house, so you must expect such exchange of fire if they claimed his guards actually did. If they have gone there in broad daylight I don’t think such a thing could have happened.

“When you went to somebody’s house in the dead of the night firing, you should expect retaliation from the other angle. He might have thought they were bandits or kidnappers. He needs to defend himself. Many people don’t even have what it takes to defend themselves. Even then, Igboho has even dispelled the claim that they got some weapons from his house. He should be compensated for his vital role in the security of his people, not the other way round. If he cannot be compensated no need to threaten his life,” he added.

While disclosing that people called on Sunday Igboho to come to their aid, he said, “When the Igangan issue happened then, that the Fulani’s herdsmen where killing, kidnapping and raping the people, the indigenes of Igangan who were helpless went to meet Sunday Igboho in his house and begged him to come to their aid before he went there. It was the death of his brother, Dr. Aborode who was killed by the Fulani militias that even instigated him more. He saw that what the militant Fulani herdsmen were doing is not good and he decided to free his people. I believe if you have the power to help your people you just have to do that.”

He explained further that the Oyo State government actually went to Igangan in Ibarapa Local Government Area of Oyo State to apologize to the people saying he is responsible for the insecurity in the place. “So, if Oyo State government could go to Igangan to apologize then I think there is something he has not done that he needs to do. Somebody now came up to render assistance where the government has failed, I think such a person deserves an award or at least an appreciation.

“Everybody knows Sunday Igboho is not a criminal but a freedom fighter. I doubt if the Oyo State government has had a word with him till today.  If he had not stood up to defend his native people do you know how many people would have been killed by now? Though there could be some powerful people who are fighting underground. It is not everybody that can come out and fight publicly.”

The Oyo-born cleric wondered why the church leaders have not reacted to this situation. He warned their silence may not augur well for the country.

He however said church leaders need to intensify their prayers since they cannot carry guns. “I think we need to join hands with our own weapons-fasting and prayer. If we say it does not concern us, we should remember we don’t have anywhere to run to. It is better we stop taking things for granted. I don’t know why great men of God like Baba Enoch Adeboye, Pastor W.F Kumuyi, Prophet David Oyedepo, and others have not reacted to this situation. But they ought to know that their members are part of this nation and invariably a part of this agitation. It is only when there is peace in this country that your members can congregate.

Ajao charged the Christian bodies to wake up from their slumber and not to treat the issue of Oodua nation with levity.

He disclosed, “That was how the issue of Boko Haram started in the north. If the state of insecurity in the South is not quickly looked into, it may degenerate into an ugly scene. Christians are treating the issue of Oodua Nation most especially in the southwest with levity. I have spoken to many people including journalists. I asked if the people with ancestral powers are on rampage what do we Christ-followers do. I have said it several times that we need to pray fervently if we want peace to reign in this country.


Pastor Ajao

“But I am surprised that the church leaders remain mute. Even the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN), and Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), I expected much from are yet to react to this situation. They need to wake up from their slumber.

“If the state of insecurity gets worse, I am afraid the church leaders might end up employing Oodua People’s Congress (OPC) as their guards. What will OPC use in securing the church? Is it not charms? It will not speak well for the believers as we preach against unscriptural things. Nigeria’s situation is similar to what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah. We are heading towards destruction. We need fierce prayer to intercede for the country. It is just that God has been merciful and patient with us, if not, He could have destroyed the country for immorality. Now, it is reported in the paper there is a market where human parts are being sold. Sodom and Gomorrah did not commit up to this before they incurred God’s wrath.

Asked why the Yorubas still feel marginalized despite having their man as number two in the country, the clergyman said, “I think the Yorubas are in a cage. Don’t let us talk about Yemi Osibanjo as vice president. All the strategic positions in this country are occupied by the Fulanis. Is that not enough indication that we are in a cage? Both Yorubas and Igbos are marginalized.

“Now the bandits and the Fulani militias are posing threat to our lives and the federal government is sweeping it under carpet. Each time we were provoked and react; the president would condemn our reaction.

“If care is not taken all the powerful men in the southwest will be arrested and detained because I suspect they have hidden agenda. Some will be arrested even when dining with their families. The earlier we stand up to fight against this injustice the better for our generation.” He admonished.


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