sexual sins

Shun sexual sins, Uyeh tells pastors, others @ Apostolic Church Confab

by Church Times

The Vice Chairman of the Apostolic Church Nigeria LAWNA Territory, Pastor Senior Gabriel Uyeh has urged pastors and all those who name the name of Christ to shun sexual sins.

He made the plea in  Lagos on Tuesday, August 1 while delivering a welcome address at the opening of a three-day Ministers Conference of the Church.

The conference precedes the church’s 47th Annual International Convention billed to hold at the National Temple, Olorunda Ketu, Lagos from this Saturday.

Pastor Senior Gabriel Uyeh told the over 4000 ministers including executive council members drawn from across Nigeria and overseas to stay away sexual immorality and embrace holiness in all their undertakings as servants of God.

“Looking to the affairs of the church today, both leaders and the led, old and young, even ministers are engulfed in sin’, he said.

Making reference to scriptures, he said sanctification is the will of God for every child of God.

He urged the ministers to abstain from sexual immorality, urging them to possess their vessels in sanctification and honour.

Pastor Uyeh asked; “our forefathers in this Vision handed over to us doctrine of holiness unto the Lord but how many among the Ministers are still faithful to this?

He then appealed to the ministers to allow God to sanctify them completely, saying that the Conference topic is a timely warning for us all.

He said God is using the conference to remind the pastors of the need for them to live a life acceptable before him.

The Conference will be held from Tuesday 1st – Thursday 3rd August 2023.

The ministers’ conference always precedes the annual convention of the Church.

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