
Prayer is not the master key- Johnson Odesola, RCCG Pastor

by Church Times

Prayer not the master key-Odesola


The Assistant General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God on Admin and Personnel, Pastor Johnson Odesola has said, singing “prayer is the master key” is a misinterpretation of the role of prayer in the life of the believer.


He made the clarification while leading the Tuesday, April 28, Bible Study broadcast of the RCCG via Dove Media. The Bible study was on Obedience.


Odesola who has been a member of the RCCG since the 70s said prayer alone won’t solve all problems noting that there are many other things that God requires from the believer apart from prayer.


He said there are requests that could be answered through simple obedience rather than prayers.

Prayer without obedience is vain

According to him, “If you don’t obey principles, you will suffer ridicule. The doorway to blessings is simple obedience. Anybody who does not obey the word of God is fooling himself. Obedience to God is demonstrating faith in God. Obedience is prove of your love for God. True obedience is to walk with God.”


He recalled how he gave his entire one-month salary in the 70s during a church service saying he did not want to give whole money at first.


“I was in church that particular day. It was in the 70s I recall very well. The preacher asked us if we believed that God called him. We said yes. He then asked us to empty all the money in our pocket and bring to the altar. That day I was almost regretting coming to church. I quickly removed part of my salary which was in my pocket inside a perforated envelop. It was N140. I gave part of the money and kept the rest. But the preacher kept saying some people were still holding back. After so much announcement, I had to painfully surrender all my salary. But God was faithful. That same week, I bought a Suzuki motorbike worth N100 and I was greatly blessed.”


He said God loves a cheerful giver, but if you give “grudgingly” he will accept it adding that God does not want partial obedience. “We can’t serve God on our own terms. Our obedience to God must be complete, must not be delayed and must not be partial.”


He then cited several examples of Bible characters who obeyed and disobeyed God and how they benefited and suffered for their actions.

Read also: Pastor writes expository article on giving debunks popular assertions:

He noted that “obedience to God will come with disobedience to man and self. It will lead to disobedience to the devil and his agents.


He urged his listeners to obey God and take steps on instructions God has asked them to take like responding to ministry call, helping somebody in need or whatever God has asked them to do.


In summary, he said, “When you obey God you will live long. You will have great peace, assurance of salvation and your heaven will be sure.”


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