
Crucial prayers for Nigeria in these trying times by National Prayer Movement GS

by Church Times

Someone reportedly observed that the Cabal controlling the affairs of this Nation are like drunken sailors.

Let’s therefore pray and ask GOD to rise up, rend the heavens and rescue the affairs of this Nation from the hands of these drunk sailors so that they don’t hit the ship of this country against the rocks in JESUS Name.


Let’s also remind GOD of His covenant concerning this country and pray that NIGERIA shall not be a Failed Nation in JESUS Name.


By now, we shouldn’t be living in denials that Nigeria is almost in a war situation against herself and some people are obviously benefitting from these confusing arrangements, let us, therefore, pray that GOD will confound their language and scatter this company of violent men whose delight is in war in line with Psalm 68:30, KJV in JESUS Name.


Let’s pray that GOD will intervene speedily in the Restructuring of this Nation without unnecessary further shedding of innocent blood. The land hosting the geographical entity called Nigeria is already contaminated with such innocent blood through all manners of crimes which includes terrorism, kidnapping, armed banditry/ robbery, social injustices, etc.


Let’s pray that the Lord will send us the Moses of our time and a corp of selfless leaders that will restore our waste places and rebuild our collapsing walls in Jesus’ name.


And lastly, whatever may be akin or have any resemblance of the Northern Army as described in Joel 2: 20-27, KJV in Nigeria, GOD in His Own Way should send them packing and drive them to where they belong- arid areas in JESUS Name.

So shall these be in the Name of GOD the Father, GOD the Son, and GOD the Holy Ghost in JESUS Name. Amen.


‘Gbemiga Olakunle JP, General Secretary National Prayer Movement



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