

by Church Times

By Gbemiga Olakunle

There are some stages of movement in life:

  1. Retrogression- backward movement
  2. Stagnation- remaining on the same spot or status for a long time

iii. Crawling- very slow forward movement. It may be slow but it is better than the first two stages of movement

  1. Walking- fast forward movement as far as life issues are concerned in terms of physical/ material and spiritual achievement
  2. Running & Leaping- faster forward movement in terms of achievements in life
  3. Flying- this is a level of prosperity that is visible to all which cannot be hidden    and
  4.  Soaring- this is the ultimate of all stages of movement that everyone desires in life.

 GOD’S desire is that every one of His children; those that are called by His Name should Soar like an eagle. This can can only be done through the Power of the Anointing.

 When anyone’s movement or progress in life is restricted or limited, it may be because of a yoke that can only be broken by the reason of the Anointing. And this Anointing can come through Prevailing Prayers, reading, and meditation in the Word of GOD or through Impartation from an Anointed Servant of GOD.

 As we earnestly seek GOD’S face concerning issues limiting our progress in life as individuals, families, communities, and even as a Nation, may the Anointing that is capable of breaking every stronghold/ stubborn yokes of the enemies come upon us,  set us free and give us the needed power to soar very high in every facet of our lives in JESUS Name.


‘Gbemiga OLAKUNLE, JP is the General Secretary of National Prayer Movement



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