Pastor who had strange encounter in German prison says, “Nigeria is in the grip of the marine world”

by Church Times






Barrister Ezeh

Gbenga Osinaike

Barrister Isaac Ezeh qualified as a lawyer in Nigeria in 1988. By then he had come to know the Lord. But his understanding of God did not tally with what he experienced in a Pentecostal church where he served God.

“I was in this assembly somewhere in Ogba and was there serving God. I was a worker. But there was obvious contradiction between the message preached and the lives of members. That was what got me disillusioned about the church system and decided to go back to the catholic church where I came from.” He said in a chat with Church Times Nigeria.

That decision however did not materialize before he travelled out of the country in search of greener pasture. Before then, he had been involved in the business of selling imported cars in Nigeria. So, he travelled to Germany where he stayed with some friends in a bid to perfect the car business deal.

Unknown to him, the friends he stayed with were being investigated by the German police. He was arrested alongside his friends and were hauled into the prison. It was in this prison that the Lord met with him, telling him that he allowed the arrest for a purpose.

“I was put in a room by the German police. There was television in that room and I was being taken care of.”

But the unexpected happened. One day as he watched the television in the room the screen suddenly started playing the script of his life. “I saw my past life being shown on the television. It was obvious it was no longer the television I was watching but I was in a trance because everything about my life was being played out like a movie. Later, an angelic being took me to see the vision of hell and heaven.

“God also brought me to Nigeria in the spirit realm and showed me many sites and how these sites have been taken over by occult forces. He showed me the powers behind the problem of Nigeria and also explained to me that Nigeria cannot make progress until these forces are dealt with. He also made me understand that there are certain conditions that have to be fulfilled if Nigeria would move forward as a nation. This lasted for seven days.”

Despite the various spiritual encounters, he was relating with the prison wardens who brought food to him. But he was not eating the food. At a point they urged him to take the food and throw away if he was not going to eat rather than asking them to return it to avert a situation where he would be sent to the psychiatric hospital.

By the end of this encounter, Ezeh knew he had a task ahead of him. He then began to pray and asked God to bless Nigeria. “but the Lord made me realise that there was no way Nigeria could be blessed if certain issues are not dealt with. He then explained to me that the blessings of a nation are tied to many things including righteousness, honouring God and abhorrence of idolatrous practices and bloodshed. He also told me the blessings of a nation is also tied to that nation’s relationship with Israel.”

When reminded that some nations of the world don’t honour God, don’t love Israel and yet they prosper, he explained, “When we say righteousness in this context it does not connote serving God but doing things right. These nations respect human right, they are forthright and they give justice. Their citizens are not corrupt. You must also understand that God blessed the entire human race. God blessed Isaac and Ishmael. But the blessing of Isaac was eternal while the blessing of Ishmael was in time. What will happen is that in time the nations that don’t serve God would be wiped away from the face of the earth but the nations that serve God would still continue to exist during the millennia reign of Christ on earth. The map of the world would be redrawn to exclude nations that did not serve God.”

Ezeh who said he came back to Nigeria to start a church as a way of prosecuting the vision and concern for Nigeria which the Lord showed to him said further, “I thought by starting a church I would carry out the agenda of God. Indeed, I began a church and the church was growing. This happened on two different occasions. But the Lord instructed me to close it down. He said to me that he did not ask me to start a church. So, we had to close down and the members had to go their different ways. I now had to rely on God for the next move.”

By 2012 the Lord instructed him to resign from his law practice and face the ministry of intercession for Nigeria. Now what he does is to meet with people from different denomination on a regular basis to intercede for Nigeria and reach out to churches on how to pray for Nigeria teaching them and giving prophetic guidelines as instructed by the Lord. These efforts informed the production of several newsletters, books and pamphlets which basically focus on the birth of a new nation for Nigeria.

His books include, God’s eternal plan for Nigeria, the days of the black horse rider, The Master’s presence and a host of others. He also publishes a regular journal called The Messenger. The books are a recap of his burden and what the Lord told him about Nigeria. He traces the occult foundation of Nigeria in some of his books noting that until such foundational issues are addressed Nigeria may not get out of the woods. He said what has happened over the years is that Nigeria has been building on a faulty foundation.

While highlighting seven eras in Nigeria, he said, the seventh era is the era of God which he said started in 2017. He said God is raising a David that he would use to liberate Nigeria and pull her out of doom. The foundational problem, according to the revelations Ezeh got, could be traced to the amalgamation of Nigeria in 1914 which was a consequence of some occult alliance because the devil knew the prophetic destiny of the Nigeria. He however noted that God would use the amalgamation for his own end time purpose.”


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