Osinbajo prays for Tinubu, others, says, “No nation can prosper if their elite is corrupt”

by Church Times

Vice President Yemi Osinbajo has prayed for a successful tenure for Asiwaju Bola Tinubu while calling on the Nigerian elite to shun corruption. 

He noted that no nation can prosper with a corrupt elite

Osibajo made the prayers and the “shun corruption call” at the pre-inauguration church service which took place at the National Christian Centre, Abuja on Sunday, May 28.

Quoting the Bible, Osibajo said, “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people. Any successful nation requires integrity at the level of leadership. And when we say leadership, we are referring to the elite: The political, religious and business elite of any society.

 “God demands of the elite that we must be righteous. And this is so whether it is Dubai, Nigeria or Tanzania. No country can be great if its elite is corrupt, self-serving or live for themselves.”

 The outgoing Vice President also called on Christians to work and pray for the prosperity and welfare of Nigeria.

 Making further allusion to the Bible, he said, “God instructed not just the captives of Nebuchadnezzar in the scripture in Jeremiah 29v7 but he has instructed us even in this time that we must pray and work for the peace and prosperity of our country.

 “The people of God in particular have a duty to pray and work for the peace of this nation, regardless of party, regardless of parochial consideration, regardless of who you voted for, regardless of who you did not vote for.”

 While noting that a  new president will be sworn in on Monday, May 29, he said, “Concerning Jesus, scripture says that from birth he grew in stature, wisdom and favour with God.

Also read: A new Nigeria will emerge soon-Osinbajo https://churchtimesnigeria.net/breakfast-prayer-osinbajo-nigeria/

 “I pray these same words for the President-elect, Senator Bola Tinubu and the Vice President-elect, Senator Kashim Shetima and the new government that as their days in office so shall they grow in stature, wisdom and favour with almighty God.

 “I also pray for our  nation that this nation will prosper and that God will have his hand on our people and we will live in peace in Jesus’ mighty name.”

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