
No tithe no heaven! ….….Adeboye stirs controversy 

by Church Times


…..The just shall live by faith…Apostle Bamgbola, Lagos CAN chairman

……He may know some things we don’t know- Bishop Ore PFN Chairman Lagos



By our reporter

The Chairman of Lagos chapter of the Christian Association of Nigeria, Lagos Chapter, Apostle Alexander Bamgbola has reacted to the controversial video trending online where the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, Pastor Enoch Adeboye stated that those who don’t pay tithe would not get to heaven.

Bamgbola who described Pastor Adeboye as a wonderful man of God who has been a great blessing to the church said from his own experience in relating with God he has since discovered that every believer has to live by faith adding however that “I don’t like commenting on issues that have become controversial. Let every man be true to himself.”

He said from his close to three decades of work with God, he has discovered that God does not take sides on any issue but he takes over. “We cannot now come and analyse what Pastor Adeboye said because it is either we are for what he said or against it. But what I know is that the just shall live by faith. Those who pay tithe let them pay it. Those who don’t pay let them still not pay. It is a matter of personal convictions which should not be subject to debate. At the end of the day the truth will take over.’

The Lagos CAN Chairman who was a leading figure in the corporate world and owner of chains of businesses before he gave up everything for the gospel however lamented that there are many issues that have continued to bug the church which need attention. “All what is happening shows we are in the end of time. I got to know God in dramatic circumstances that gave me a super conviction that God rules in the affairs of men. Nobody could bring me to Christ. It was Christ himself who revealed himself to me and delivered from satanic bondage. I have been enjoying that freedom of knowing Jesus ever since. So, I can say the life we live is a life of faith. Our righteousness is a filthy rag before God. I strongly believe that those who work in the spirit cannot be misled. I believe that relationship with God boils down to the individual and cannot be subjected to public debate”

Also commenting the chairman of the Lagos Chapter of the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria Bishop Sola Ore described the message of Adeboye as a product of what he knows and he is convinced about. “There are things perhaps that Pastor Adeboye knows that some of us don’t know. So, it is not for us to puncture what he said. But I think we can say what we know. What I know is that it is not paying tithe that will take us to heaven. In my own opinion I believe it is salvation through Jesus that makes one qualifies for heaven. Tithe was not a condition for God to die for us and it cannot be a condition to go to heaven. I believe a child of God should obey God not out of compulsion but out of love for God. People should pay their tithe out of love. Jesus saved us unconditionally and he expects that we would serve him with love. It is in appreciation of his love for us that we do what we do like paying tithe and giving generally. But like I said it will be great to have a further insight into what Pastor Adeboye meant by his message. Some of us will love to learn”

A top Bible teacher and president of a thriving ministry who does not want to be mentioned for strategic reasons however stated that the issue of tithe has been over flogged noting that it was not proper for Pastor Adeboye to keep hammering on the issue. “What Pastor Adeboye is doing is what Jesus accused the Pharisees of doing. They were placing undue emphasis on tithe as against the other issues of living. Me I expect that our emphasis should be on righteousness, peace and joy. Those are the three elements that constitute the kingdom of God. Bringing up the issue now is a distraction and I think he should not have said it. I believe paying tithe is scriptural but ungodly lifestyle of some preachers and the excesses of some men of God informed the attack on it. From ages people have been paying tithe and there had not been any controversy but when they saw that the money was not being judiciously used, they now start to ask questions. I think what the church should do is to look inwards. We need to put our house in order.”

Reno Omokri, spokesman for former president Jonathan in his facebook post observed that no pastor can set financial qualification for heaven describing pastor Adeboye’s message as off the cuff.

A member of the RCCG, Ume Udon in his reaction says, “I am a “tithe paying” member of Redeemed Christian Church of God but this message “bothers” me… I also want to note from the video I watched, Pastor  Adeboye seems to be speaking to ministers (church workers) and Pastors of a particular region of RCCG..( I do not know which it is because RCCG is a behemoth global organization and somethings that happen are not least not yet)..but What does Matthew 23:23 say?? This message “bothers me” because there is so much happening in the Church and in Nigeria that makes one cringe.

“I pray for Pastor Adeboye as 1 Tim 2:: 2 admonishes us to do.. I can appreciate the “challenges” of running a global church organization from a Nigeria that has an undulating reputation as a corrupt nation. Money is needed to run this GLOBAL organization called RCCG. But I believe there should be more EMPHASIS on righteousness especially on how one obtains money. My worry is: Does that mean a corrupt Nigerian paying tithe will go to Heaven? A person that swindles others, or get money through dubious means or even KILLS to get money will go to Heaven without REPENTING??

“Or a Pastor that takes CHURCH funds for personal use but still pays tithes will go to Heaven? In fact, what is “Tithe” in today’s context if you are not yet earning a pay? Or what does it portend? Do I do illegal things to get money and pay “tithe”?? I fear for Pastor Adeboye and his generation who have “lost out” on reality of our times in Nigeria…BUT I still pay MY TITHES to RCCG..I am OBEYING God!! And that is not what I am using as a standard to walk that “narrow way” that leads into that GOLDEN GATE of eternity…”

A top pastor in the church who does not want his name in print confided in our reporter that the church is facing the challenge of funding its numerous projects and thus needed to do something fast to propel people to bring money to the church. “What I see operating here is the idea of using the element of fear to instigate people to make contributions to the church. Already there is paucity of funds and the projects are just too numerous. From my own little corner, I can say that only about 20 percent of those who come to church actually pay tithe. The truth is in a congregation of 100 not more than 20 are engaged in productive venture and perhaps about 5 percent are salary earners. So those who pay tithe are just about 20 percent. The vast majority are dependents. Unfortunately, the church authority does not realise that the vast majority of those who come to church are not economically empowered. So, it may be difficult for them to pay tithe when they are actually looking for what to eat.”

Many of those who make comments on the social media described Adeboye’s message on tithe as unfortunate noting that he has taken the issue too far.

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