
NIGERIA @ 61: Some pertinent Prayers to consider and beseech GOD for.

by Church Times

By Gbemiga Olakunle

First of all, GOD has been so faithful and merciful to us in this country and so, let’s thank Him for being faithful and keeping to His Own side of the covenant for showing us mercy in this country despite our shortcomings and being stiff-necked people like Isrealites of old.

Secondly, let’s thank GOD for still keeping watch over His Word
to perform it over this country in making NIGERIA a Praise in the Land and a Desire of the whole World in the Comity of Nations.

Thirdly, let’s now pray that as GOD continue to expose the Troublers of our own Israel – Nigeria who are giving us sleepless nights, GOD Himself will trap them in their own craftiness/ snares and deal with them in His own way in JESUS Name.

In another dimension, let us pray for GOD’s judgement to be visited on those responsible for wanton shedding of innocent blood in this country together with their sponsors no matter how highly placed they may be in JESUS Name.

It is noteworthy that the Scripture commands, ” Take away the wicked from before the King, and his throne shall be established in righteousness”- Prov. 25: 5, KJV. Since there can be no bad Government without bad advisers, let’s therefore pray for the exposure and removal of bad advisers who are behind the making and Implementation of bad Government policies at all levels/ tiers of our Government right from the Federal to the Local Government levels in JESUS Name. .

The same Scripture in Proverbs 14:34, declares that ” Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people”. Let’s therefore ask for GOD’S forgiveness of our sins and those of our forefathers so that GOD can remove the reproach of being one of the most poorest and most corrupt nations in the world despite being endowed with unlimited abundant human and natural resources.

Ironically, while some of our best brains are found and being fully utilised/ engaged and appreciated in Europe, North America, Canada and Asian countries including Saudi Arabia, their counterparts that are home- based are being frustrated and lying fallow for lack of conducive Working Conditions. Let us therefore pray for GOD’S visitation upon our land so that servants will no longer be riding on horses while Princes are walking barefooted which the Scripture has declared as an aberration.

Lastly, let us take up the Lamentations contained in the Book of Lamentations 5: 1-21, KJ V and specifically plead with GOD – the Owner of Heaven and Earth with this concluding Prayer: ” Turn thou us unto Thee, O LORD, and we shall be turned; renew our days as of old”.

And may GOD answer our prayers, heal our land and send away the Northern armies from our land in line with Joel 2: 20- 28, KJV, as we mark our beloved Nation’s 61st Independence Anniversary in JESUS Name.

‘ Gbemiga OLAKUNLE, JP

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