
I could not read Bible when God called me to ministry- Prophetess Oluwayemi

by Church Times

Bible: How I swallowed Bible in a vision

Felicia Dupe Oluwayemi a.k.a Aya Oba Jesu is the founder of Christ Glory Breakthrough Covenant Mission based in Akure, Ondo State. In this interview she recounts the mysterious way she was called of God to do the work of the ministry and how the Lord uses her to hold a yearly programme which has become a blessing to thousands of people.



Prophetess Oluwayemi

How did you come to know the Lord?

I became born again in 1980. God called me in 1984 to be fully committed to evangelism. By 1987 I gave myself more to evangelism. I have been holding crusades all over the nook and cranny of Nigeria and holding revival meetings.

In 1996 I started church with seven people. But today we have branches all over. God called me in mysterious ways.

What are the mysteries surrounding your call?

When I became born again I used to see the vision of Jesus.  He would appear to me and tell me things. But I was naïve. I did not really know what it meant to see a vision of Jesus. Then I was a cloth seller and I did not want to leave the business. Perhaps that is why I did not pay attention to the vision. I used to go to Cotonou to buy cloths and sell in Akure. But God kept warning me to stop doing the business.


Each time I got instructions from God not to travel I would not take heed to the instruction. But it got to a point that God told me in clear language that he was no longer in support of my disobedience to his voice that I should be ready to bear the consequence of my disobedience. He said to me that he had no hand in the business.

All this while I was a Sunday school teacher and active in church. But then God wanted me to go full time.  But I was adamant.


So what actually happened when you embarked on this Cotonou trip?

What I discovered was that I was just buying things that did make sense when I went on the final trip that made me to turn my back on the business. I bought funny materials and items that were not in line with the business and was coming back home.

When I got to Oshodi a heavy rain began to fall. Ironically I was the only one being beaten by the rain. I was soaked to the point that people who saw me were wondering what could have happened to me. The money I had on me had become moisture. But what made matter worse was that no bus wanted carry me.

Eventually I got a bus to take me to Ojota. It was from ojota that I now became stranded. It was already dark. As God would have it a white pick-up vehicle pulled by me and the occupants, the driver and a man asked me to enter. I did not hesitate. I counted myself blessed to have seen a vehicle. As we were travelling that night we did not see any other vehicle on the road.

I did not talk to the driver and the other man with him. They did not talk to me either. But the amazing thing is that they took me right to the front of my house in Akure. When I got home my husband was too excited to see me wondering what took so much of my time. As I tried to get back to the occupants of the car to give them money for the trip they had disappeared. I was shaking profusely. I did not get my composure until after two days.  That was where God told me that he sent his angels to pick me. He then warned me that any other Cotonou trip will not augur well for me. I did not need to be told again to stay off the business.

But which church did you grow up as a Christian?


Prophetess Oluwayemi

I used to be a member of Christ Apostolic Church Oke Lisa on Aiyetoro Street, Abeokuta.  I spent 19 years there. That was where I was groomed thoroughly in the Lord with life transforming messages.

So what level of education did you get?

That is one of the issues that got me thinking. When God called me I told Him that I needed to get some education that I was not comfortable with my academic condition. I did not read beyond primary 2. I was sent back from school then because according to the school I could not cope.

I did not know how to read the Bible when God called me. I used to package myself and you would think I was educated. I did not know how to pronounce anything. I was asked to teach Sunday school one Sunday morning and people were leaving my class because I was not coherent enough. The first Sunday I was to teach was funny because people left the Sunday school class one by one.

I was left alone in the class. That experience prompted me to go to the mountain. I went there to cry to God and asked him to come into my life and teach me the Bible in practical terms. Nothing happened the first day. But the second day there was a whirlwind and I heard the voice of God. And the Lord spoke to me that he is alpha and Omega and he handed over the Bible to me. I swallowed the Bible in a vision. By the time I came back to my senses I began to preach the Bible in an amazing way. Those who left me the previous Sunday now began to come to my class. I did not know how to read the Bible, could not write either. But the Lord showed me mercy and taught me how to read by Himself. Many people were shocked at the transformation that had happened to me.

So how will you react to what is happening in the church world today

Anybody who reads the Bible will not be taken aback by what is happening in the world today. I thank God that what I learnt from previous men of God has been keeping me. God is in our midst. I don’t know about those who use fake means to get miracles.

When God called me things were tough. I had no shoes. I had no money to mend my clothes. I used to wear used cloths to preach. Those who were mocking me then now thank God for my life. I love the Lord so much. The fire of God was always burning in me. I used to work with bare leg when things were tough. I wore rags. There is no magic about the ways of God. I was not brought up to embrace magic. I passed through the wilderness of life. I spent three weeks to minister on psalm 23 based on my experience. I was mocked. They used to call me a mad prophetess. But I thank God that I did not leave the Lord. The Lord has turned my shame to glory. For the past 24 years in our church we have not buried a single person. He has been our help and fortress.

As God’s prophetess, what are we expecting this year?

The year 2020 is a peculiar year. Things will be in awkward ways. The seasons will be distorted. There will be fire outbreaks especially in Lagos. There will be a lot of dryness and heat. By the time it will rain, it will be raining thunder. There will be a shaking in this country. One of the great politicians in Nigeria will pass on. Those who are travelling by night should pray fervently. We should not be relaxed on Boko Haram. We must not relax so that things will not take the church unawares. We should keep praying. There will be series of sicknesses. There will be all kinds of strange sicknesses. Our economy will go bad a bit but for those who love the Lord they will prosper. We should also pray against civil unrest. We should keep praying for Nigeria.

How did you come about majemu esumare (covenant of rainbow) festival which you celebrate annually?

I once had 21 days, 40 days, 50 days dry fast on different occasions. During one of the seasons of my fast, I saw rainbow on the altar and a hand was writing on the rainbow. I did not understand. A man said to me and began to interpret the vision to me. He gave me description on how to prophesy to people. God then told me that there are things I do that affect my destiny. God gave me a revelation on how to stop eating a particular food.

God later gave me a vision of majemu esumare (Covenant of rainbow). The festival holds on the 26th of January every year. People don’t need to see me  when they come for the programme. They only need to connect with God in the place of prayers. God will tell them what they have not known. He will show them what they have not seen. This is past anything anybody can become in the world. You just write a letter and God will reveal the hidden things to you. You will get direction on how to live your life in 2020. Some men of God came to find out what was going on. They came enmasse and they saw wonders on that day as God began to reveal to them mysterious things.

What is your vision for the church?

I believe in one day at a time. My prayers for Nigeria is that God will open the eyes of our leaders and that God will have mercy on Nigeria so we can be at peace.

Prophetess Oluwayemi could be reached @ Ori Oke Ayo Off Ighatoro Road, Behind School of Nursing and Midwifery, Alagbaka, Akure, Ondo State.

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