Hundreds embracing Jesus in the north-Evang. Musa

by Church Times



By Gbenga Osinaike

Despite the terror unleashed in some parts of the north by the dreaded Boko Haram sect, God has been doing great things through his servants in the north. Lives are being rescued from the pit of hell while many are turning to Jesus. A group, Zuru Gospel Mission is at the vanguard of this evangelical drive. There are several other groups working quietly in the background bringing people to the knowledge of Christ.

The coordinator of the group Evangelist Danladi Musa told our correspondent during a mission’s conference in Kwara State, Nigeria how the Lord has been drawing people to Himself. They have recorded tremendous results in many villages. He however observes that this has come with great risk to the lives of the mission groups.

Musa told of an incidence where an Islmalic zealot was sent to the camp where some of the converts were undergoing discipleship programme to cause havoc. He said, “The young man came to the camp with a gun. He was instructed to go and kill, but as soon as he got to the gate of the camp, he started shivering. It was at that point that he confessed his mission and how a power superior to his own over powered him. We used the opportunity to preach the gospel to him. He became born again and we have discipled him. He is now an ordained minister of the gospel.

He said further that many of the people who give their lives to Christ in the Muslim dominated areas are at the risk of losing their lives. “What we do is to relocate them from their place of residence if the threat is serious and put them in a camp where they are discipled and followed up. We have to provide for them and set them up in their businesses. We link them with existing churches and monitor their progress”

Giving a graphic illustration of what the Lord has used the group to achieve in Kebbi State alone, Musa said, “So far, the Lord has done tremendous things in bringing people to the knowledge of Christ. Over 40 villages have been reached with the gospel. During these outreaches Muslims, traditionalists and nominal Christians come to know the Lord. We have had a repeat of the Pentecostal experience in these villages. There is the case of a village called D’gen near Zodi where there was tremendous result. The whole village of about 300 people embraced the Lord. We have been able to build a church for them and they are being followed up.”

The evangelist who also engages in running discipleship programme for Muslim Background Believers said the walls of Islam are crumbling by the day. “Many Muslims are getting to understand that they need Jesus and many are embracing Him. From my experience, it is easy to disciple Muslim Background Believers because they are coming from a background that has kept them out the light of the gospel. As soon as they see the light and their eyes are opened, they are receptive to the teachings of the Bible.

Giving a list of those who are currently being discipled, he said, “What we do largely is following after the example of the apostles in the Book of Acts. Many of the converts were from traditional religion while some were Muslims. There are also cases of existing churches that were revived through our outreaches. We follow up on our converts and create opportunity for growth for them.

“My joy is that there is a wave of repentance in these places. There is a village called Unguwar Domso Kanya. We had about 130 converts from this village. Many of them repented with tears. They were literally crying just like the experience of Pentecost and we had series of manifestation of God’s power. People were healed and delivered. We later followed them up teaching and giving them instructions from the Bible on how to live for the Lord. What we do is to direct them to existing churches. But where there are no churches we build one.

There is also the case of a village called Bedi. We went to this village on a Sunday. It was their market day. A great crowd gathered to hear the gospel. We had cases of backsliders coming back to the Lord and people who were Muslims embracing Jesus. In that village we had over 60 people coming to know the Lord. We recorded the same feat in Tungan Dadu village where 80 people gave their lives to Christ. In Yar-Giwa, Manhuta area, we recorded over 120 converts. In that place we built a new church and I’m happy to report that the church is doing fine till date.

“We also had a wonderful experience in Uganda village in Niger State. A man in that village invited us to help him destroy all the charms he was given by an herbalist for protection and thereafter surrendered his life to Christ. There was another great Pentecost experience in Ipoki-Zange village where over 600 people including Muslims surrendered to Jesus. I can go on and on.”

While handing over a document containing all the churches built and the names of the villages reached, it was clear that Evangelist Musa was leading a group that is both focused and organized. He covets the prayers of believers across the country noting that it is the prayers of the saints that is helping to bring the positive result.

The following GSM lines could be reached to get further details on how to support the mission: +234-8026630454, +234-8092037860, +234-8024331470, +234-8163531483, +234-8033704766 and +234-8026593234.






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