How my wife carried pregnancy for three years- prophet Daramola

by Church Times



Prophet Kolade Daramola

Prophet Kolade Daramola

Prophet Kolade Daramola shared his marital experience with Church Times’ Gbenga Osinaike in this interview

My growing up years


My mother told me great stories about my birth. She told me that God had revealed to her that she would give birth to a special child who will proclaim His word and who will be used to deliver people from satanic oppression. By the time she gave birth to me  she already knew the kind of baby she was having. I can say I have been ordained to preach the gospel from my mother’s womb. As a very young boy perhaps at the age of 2 I used to sing one song in vernacular, mi si mi Oluwa meaning breath on me O Lord. That was my song and I would sing that song on an on as a young boy.


Growing up was not a pleasant experience for me. I was a sickly child. At a point some people came to advise my mother to throw me to the refuse bin. I was always falling sick and emitting pus from my eardrums. I did not have a pleasant sight. Despite God’s word for my family, I was viewed with skepticism. But my mother did not give up on me.

By the age of 12 I had started preaching the gospel. I was always preaching in my father’s church because my father is a pastor in ChristApostolicChurch and I was serving God in his ministry. I also took to playing all kinds of instruments ranging from violin,drumset Saxophone. Eventually I went to the Federal College of Education where I studied Music after my programme in the school I went to the LagosStateUniversity where I did Guidance and Counselling.


But it was when I was in the College of Education that I got my deliverance from being sickly and from emitting pus from my eardrums.  Then as a student I used to sleep on the mat because my parents could not afford foam for me during my first year in the school. I then had a dream one night where somebody appeared to me and told me that I had secured my deliverance because of the experience I was going through in school. Apparently it turned out that my sickness was spiritually orchestrated through the mat but by sleeping on the mat regularly God worked out my deliverance. Its something that may be difficult for people to understand.


I met my wife

My wife was also a Music student at the college. We were friends. But the very day I met her, God told me she would be my wife. I approached her but she did not give me a yes answer until after three years. Because I was convinced she would be my wife I stayed put. We eventually got married in 2006 November. Our marriage was a low key one. We married in an Anglican Church in Ile-Ife and it was a glorious day. We were looking forward to a blissful and fruitful marriage.

Marriage certificate missing

The first challenge that confronted us as a family was that we could not find our marriage certificate shortly after our wedding. We searched and searched for it to no avail. But what came as a shock was we found it in Ijebu Ode, OgunState after seven months of frantic searching. It was the certificate and the Bible that we saw together. Meanwhile, all through the time we were looking for it, my wife could not hold pregnancy for long. She always had miscarriages. She had two miscarriages including a twin. But that was just the beginning of our problem. Just after we saw the marriage certificate and the Bible she took in again. That was when she was able to conceive and hold unto the pregnancy. But then it marked the beginning of a tortuous journey to her deliverance. She carried the pregnancy for three years.



Omobolaji, Daramola’s wife continues the story


I was pregnant for three years. It sounds incredible. But that was the truth. I literarily went through hell. My husband and I passed through the valley of the shadow of death. When I got pregnant and the pregnancy did not abort like the previous pregnancies, I was happy. But after about four months, the pregnancy stopped developing and we became worried. When it was eight months the size of the pregnancy was looking like that of four months. And it was as if I would put to bed the following day. We started counting until we counted months and years. I literally carried the pregnancy around for three full years.


When it was exactly 12 months and I did not put to bed we became worried. That was when we started going from one hospital to the other and one prayer house to the other. Though my husband has been in the ministry and has been praying for people who got delivered we still had to take our case to other prophets and men of God. It was a traumatic experience. We went through different medical tests and we spent a lot of money. My husband was working in a paid employment and I had started working too. All our salaries were used to pay medical bills.


Different medical experiences

We visited various hospitals including government hospitals. It got to a point that I was advised to do evacuation of my womb. But God warned us against it. We paid money for several tests. There was a time the doctors said I was not pregnant even when the medical test confirmed that I was. But the mysterious part of it was that the scan result showed there was nothing in my womb. But I had the feeling of a person that would deliver in 24 hours. That was the kind of trauma I found myself. Sometimes the pregnancy would grow sometimes it would come down. Some of my colleagues at work thought I had fibroid. We met with many gynecologists. There was a time one of them suggested that my husband should do sperm test. We got to the place where we were to do the sperm extraction. Just at the hospital God opened my husband’s eyes to see the agents of darkness in the place. We had to leave the hospital despite the fact that we had paid money for the test. There were several other medical tests that were carried out on us that did not yield any result.


My travails and prayer mountains

We visited a lot of PrayerMountains and met with a lot of church leaders who prayed for us. The pregnancy was there and people sometimes got confused they really didn’t  know what prayer to pray for us or how to pray. There was a time a woman, a neighbour saw me and congratulated me for safe delivery. She thought I had put to bed because my tummy at that time looked like somebody who had put to bed through CS. When I did not respond to her greetings she thought maybe the baby died at birth and she started praying that God would provide another baby. Yet I did not answer her and she just would not understand what was going on. At a point people started making jest and poking fun. It is difficult to recall all the mockeries that went with the challenge. But whenever I experienced any of such from people I usually turned such mockery to a prayer point. There were prayer projects that we had to undergo and deliverance programmes on several PrayerMountains. There was a time my husband and I went to a prayer mountain in the dead of the night. Then I used to tell God, it was better I was not pregnant than to carry pregnancy that I could not deliver. The experience was truly painful because I always had this feeling that the baby was about to come out.

My husband got different counsels from church leaders and close friends. Some advised that he should divorce me and marry another person. There were pastors who advised him to abandon me. There were so called prophets who ripped us off during the trying time. But the good thing is that God did not allow us to leave ourselves. In fact the bond between us was very strong during the trying moments.


My deliverance and how I finally gave birth

It got to a point we had to do a recap and look at our lives and look at areas we were not been doing well. We then realized that my husband’s disobedience to God’s call may just be the reason for the challenge. Around the time of our wedding or thereabout, God had told my husband to leave his father’s church and separate himself for the work he had called him to do. He did not heed. We were both adamant because we were thinking of how to survive if we go to start a fresh work for God.


In the heat of the challenges a prophecy came that my deliverance was in the hands of my husband that we should not seek any medical help again. God also told me that I should not make any request again but should just be pleading for His mercy. Initially I prided myself that I did not deserve what I was getting from God that I was a virgin before I got married and I had been faithful that why should God allow me to go through the challenge I was going through. But God cautioned me and I began to see the need for His mercy. So I started pleading mercy.


My husband went to a prayer mountain and prayed in tears asking for mercy. He prayed on water at the mountain and brought the water for me to drink. I drank the water he brought and afterwards I had a dream and saw myself putting a particular leaf inside a pot of water and drank the water. I also had another dream where I was running after an angel to collect something. I was running on an Express Road. Later I started pleading for God’s mercy in that dream. The angel I was pursuing later came and took me to the altar of mercy.


After all these experiences, the growth of the pregnancy became rapid. I could feel the movement of the baby more than ever before. The pregnancy became so visible for all to see. We also got messages that the baby would come with a sign. The baby indeed came with a sign. By 11 pm on the day before I was delivered of the baby the head of the baby had already come out but the entire body was still inside. I was not delivered of the baby until about 6 am the following day. By the time the baby came out the nurses were trying to pacify me because a defect they saw. The baby came out with only five fingers on his right hand. The other hand does not have fingers. The nurses were shocked that I was not taken aback by the news. The baby weighed 5 kg. I could not walk for five days without being aided after the delivery. For me there was every cause to thank God and appreciate Him.


Prophet Daramola continues (lessons from the trials)


I must confess that the Lord used the trials to train us and to equip us for the work of the ministry. We learn everyday. In my own case I learnt that when facing any form of challenge its always good to wait on God and not to be moving around seeking for solutions that do not exist. From our experience, medical science could not help. We also found out that people could not help either. Thank God for those who prayed along with us during the trying period but there were some who rather than help strengthen our faith were actually the people who advised us to act against the will of God. I was baffled that men of God would suggest to me to divorce my wife and look for another woman that could give me child.


It is also good to find out the source of the problem that one is going through. Is it from God, the devil or from one’s own negligence? God will not inflict pain on any of His children but there are ways we can give room for the devil to oppress us if we fail to do the will of God. In my case, my disobedience to God’s call was partly responsible for the attack on my wife. God actually asked me to leave my father’s church and start a fresh work for him. But I was adamant. I was concerned about what to eat and how to survive. I was in that church for years. It was not until we left that God began the process of my wife’s deliverance.


Challenging period also helps you to know those who genuinely love you and those who don’t. It is good to be patient with God and allow him to work out his purpose in one’s life. Since I obeyed God, things have been looking up for us as a family and for the ministry. My ministry will just be two years but God has done marvelous things. We have our own land and the Lord has used our experience and challenge to bring deliverance to a lot of people. It has been awesome.


The Baby

The baby is named Ipeyemi, meaning, “God’s call in my life is profitable” The baby, though has only five fingers uses the other hand without fingers as if there are fingers on it. He is smart and very active. He was given about 34 names at the naming.


Prophet Daramola who hails from Okemesi, Ekiti could be reached on 07039805227 or 08023868068

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