
God is not in heaven-Abel Damina… reveals where God is

by Church Times

Pastor Abel Damina

Heaven: God is not in heaven

 Founder of Akwa Ibom based Power City Ministries, Pastor Abel Damina has stirred a theological question raising issues around the abode of God since God was said to have created the heavens and the earth in the beginning.

In a message at a service at the Power City in Akwa Ibom recently, Damina whose teachings have of late been quite controversial said since God created the heavens and the earth in the beginning as recorded by Genesis chapter 1v1 he could not have been in what he created, he must have been existing outside the heavens and earth.

Giving further insight into this issue, Damina said, “the Bible calls God the immortality that dwells in unapproachable light which man will never see as recorded in 1 Timothy 6v16. If you say he dwells in heaven then you have to understand that if there was a day God created the heavens and the earth, the question then is: Where was He before that day?”

He then explained that God must be where he is before he created the heavens and earth because “God says I am God I change not. Since God does not live in heaven, God did not create heaven for himself. Heaven was created for man.”

Damina who is also the Chief Executive Officer of Kingdom Television then stated that the person in heaven now is the man Christ Jesus. He said, “God decided that he wants to be a family man. And he says as a family man, my family must know me. But as God, they can’t know me. So God sat down and walked out of God. God looked at God. The Lord said to my Lord, (the pre-incarnate said to the incarnate) you go and I will wait here. God was talking to himself.”

He explained further that “the other God came into the womb of a woman. The first birth of Jesus was not an actual birth in the real sense of birth. It was manifestation of God (not in heaven, but where he was before heaven was created). That was why Paul talking to Timothy in 1 Timothy 3v16, said that great is the mystery of Godliness that God is manifest in the flesh. So the first birth of Christ was the appearance of God in the human form.”

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1 comment

Abel Damina: The Church, Abel Damina and his Frankenstein monsters   January 11, 2021 - 6:48 pm

[…] He started off questioning the abode of God. Where does God live? For the young mind craving to know more, that question seems intelligible. He is not satisfied with Jesus’ claim of ‘our father who art in heaven” and feels the believer must make it a duty to know where God lives in the particular. He believes that if God created heavens and the earth he could not possibly live in the heavens that he created.  […]


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