Damina’s message causes stir on social media… accused of preaching mammon

by Church Times

Abel Damina’s message  causes stir on social media… accused of preaching mammon


Abel Damina


Senior Pastor of Power City International Church, Dr. Abel Damina has caused a stir on social media as his message on giving is being taken out of context and misinterpreted to mean he has resorted to his old messages on materialism.

Damina had preached a message on February 12 where he talked about the local church and stressed that members of a local church have a responsibility to give to their pastors.

He said in the message that, “Whatever  you give your pastor is his right. When a man is worthy of something, it is his right.” He said.

In the one-hour message where he talked about the power of the local church, Damina had said it is not enough that people applaud his message but that they should respond in kind.

“The Bible encourages those who hear the word to communicate to those who preach the word in all good things. We are expected to share the good things we have. Good cloths are wonderful. When I see a new pair of shoes a new anointing comes over me. Anytime good things happen to you, share it with your pastor. It is an evil spirit that makes you angry when you hear the message about giving.”

But many social media commentators were taken aback by his comments on having substance and getting a new anointing when he gets a new pair of shoes.

Some felt that he was going back to his old messages and was perfecting the art of controlling people and making them part with their money.

Obviously bothered by the reaction of people, Damina devoted his sermon on Sunday February 16 to address the misgivings of people about giving. He churned out several scriptures in the epistles of Paul where the Bible emphasises the need to give to those who preach the gospel.

He said people should not confuse his preaching against tithing to mean he was against giving. “What I preached against was the percentage giving. There was no time I said giving is not of the New Testament. The New “Testament is full of giving. The totality of the Christian faith is about giving. The nature of God’s generosity is what gave birth to us. We give liberally and generously. We give to brethren that are in need. We give to our man of God. The fact that a man of God asks you to give to him in response to his message does not mean he is preaching mammon.

 “We don’t serve mammon we use money to advance the gospel. A man of God does not just appear to you and ask you to give. He has been teaching you the word and he deserves the blessing.

  “We don’t give to get God to do something. But we give in response to God’s love. We don’t manipulate people to get money from them.” He stressed.

 While disclosing that somebody had asked him why he was preaching giving when he had preached against mammon and materialism, he said, “there was no time I preached against giving. What we have always been against is manipulation.”

He then went on to explain in details using scriptures like 1cor 9v14 and several others to explain why people should give to those who labour in the word of God.

He said it would be a sin for him as a pastor not to teach on giving stating that he would be defrauding the people under him if he denies them the opportunity to give.

 He said, “I am not asking the world to give me. I am asking those who have benefited from my ministry to give me. If you buy me plane I will fly it. If you buy me limousine I will drive it.”

Story by Gbenga Osinaike


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1 comment

Munyi John August 14, 2022 - 8:41 am

For God so loved the world that He gave John3:16 this is our foundation of giving.


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