Conference on strategic ways to implement ideas holds April 10

by Church Times

A webinar designed to put people through the basics of ideas implementation has been scheduled to hold on Monday April 10..

Convener of the webinar Dr. Oyewole Sarumi convener of the webinar noted in statement that the seminar will give insight on how entrepreneurs can harness their projects, implement their ideas and put their goals in perspective. .

The link is stated here below

Date: Monday April 10, 2023

Time: 12noon GMT+1 WAT

Join the platform through 👇


Meeting ID:847 6805 8160
Passcode: 544033


Most great ideas remain dormant because people don’t have the courage, plans, resources, time and/or money to take action.

Imagine lifting a brick that weighs a ton. Now try lifting a brick that weighs a ton. In a nutshell, that’s why execution is incomparably difficult.

Ideas can be altered on your head. That doesn’t turn it into reality. So, imaginary bricks can fly around in your head with minimal time, space, or energy but without implementation, no reality. Simulation is the luxury of intelligence, where you deconstruct the universe from an armchair.

Let’s note the following:

1) Ideas only generate imaginary value. Execution generates real value:

This is where the appreciation gap originates. Execution requires far more effort and energy. It doesn’t help that good ideas always appear obvious and simple, or that most ideas are garbage (it’s good that we aren’t limited to a certain number).

Even worse, ideas are easily copied and transferred, which makes them further valueless in an economy of tangibles. However, you cannot downplay the value of ideas.

2) Without ideas, there is no execution!

Ideas evolve like species. Most die, some live on. Ideas spread like disease. The faster the information, the faster we change. So, it is good that their evolution cycle is fast, they propagate rapidly, and their cost is negligible. Conception has to happen. Ideas are part of a natural order of progress:

3) Inspiration -> Ideas -> Execution -> Results.

Anyone can get inspired, but good ideas are rare, and good execution is even rarer. But we all want results!

If there cannot be one without the other, then they should be understood as part of the same whole. Ideas and execution should never be in conflict. They are both parts of the value creation process.

Inspiration is the spark – what our intuition is for. Ideas are the flame – what our brains are for. Execution is the meat on the grill – what our bodies are for. Staying alive is the result – the meaning of it all.

4) Ideas are incomplete by their nature, especially ideas by amateurs:
Most amateurs have only a cursory understanding of the problem the idea solves or context in which the idea would operate, let alone a plan for executing the idea. And, most people are amateurs in most fields. Thus, most of what people call ‘ideas’ don’t even represent solutions to problems that exist. Even when experts get ideas, they’re often only the first of many steps to a solution, and contain many assumptions that need to be validated.

5) Ideas cost nothing to create, so many exist:
Ideas are cheap and plentiful, and the amount of time required to generate an idea will never begin to reach the amount of time required to execute one. We perceive executing ideas is hard because only a tiny fraction of those created actually get executed.

6) Ideas are just the byproduct of thinking, and our brains reward their creation:
‘Ideas’ are a set of thoughts or concepts mashed together in some way. Maybe the idea also describes a desired outcome, or a possible way to execute, but really, ideas do not always contain even these. So why do our brains seek ideas out? Because it feels good! The idea creator often maximizes the feeling generated by an idea when those concepts come together, rather than whether those concepts actually make sense together in practice.

7) Ideas are rarely new, but are always perceived that way:
There’s a finite set of concepts out there to mash-up, and a natural tendency for certain concepts to be mashed up. Its no wonder almost every major innovation out there was conceived of by many people around the same time. There’s even a term for this: polygenesis. And lets not forget that this also applies to ideas whose execution is not feasible, and that most people do not share notes about their failed ideas, so ideas keep being generated and perceived as new. Thus, we think there are a lot more ideas out there when, in fact, there aren’t.

8) Ideas are (usually) wildly unrealistic.
Like Liz Pullen said, ideas are often conceived with minimal resource and technological constraints in mind. They’re great to talk about and all but nobody expects to be able to land on a moon base tomorrow. These types of ideas do, however, pave the path for many incremental ideas to be executed.

*Reality is nothing but consequences*

Everything real has a consequence and must inevitably make sense. For there can only be one consequence at a time, and everything must fit within the given space with everything else. There can be no contradictions. The implications of this are epic. Some simple examples:

¶ The man who does more push-ups must become stronger.
¶ The man who makes more free throws must have a better shot.
¶ The man who trips must fall.
¶ The man under a falling ton of bricks must die.

You make sense out of the consistent consequential nature of reality. And in turn, reality makes sense out of you!!

If your company fails, there is a reason. If your company thrives, there is a reason. These reasons must align with the reasons of all of the success and failures of every business ever, adjusted for the times.

So, as you join us on this Webinar, I remember this inside flap from the Book “Do the Work” by Steven Pressfield, which kind of says it all:

_”Do the Work: Our enemy is not lack of preparation, it’s not the difficulty of the project, or the state of the marketplace or the emptiness of our bank account. The Enemy is resistance. The Enemy is our chattering brain, which if we give it so much as a nanosecond, will start producing excuses, alibis, transparent self-justification and a million reasons why he can’t or shouldn’t or won’t do what we know we need to do. START BEFORE YOU’RE READY.”_

It is said that, “If we do what we love, we will never feel it as work”, but is that true? Yes, it is. However, the problem is that our brains care more about the things that are necessary than the things that we love, that is true for everyone, the human brain is made that way. Our brains prioritise necessary things over the things that we love.

Please note that it’s not completely about loving something, it’s about making it a necessity. That’s the only way to avoid being unable to do persistent work.

JOIN us on this call for this Webinar titled IMPLEMENTING YOUR IDEAS AND GOALS as stated below 👇


Date: Monday April 10, 2023

Time: 12noon GMT+1 WAT

Join the platform through 👇

Meeting ID:847 6805 8160
Passcode: 5440

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