
Church of Nigeria, Anglican Communion not tied to the apron of Canterbury-Ndukuba

by Church Times

Archbishop and Primate of All Nigeria, The Most Revd Henry Ndukuba has said the Church of Nigeria, Anglican Communion is not tied to the apron of  Canterbury thereby not obliged to take orders from it.

Ndukuba made the remark during an interview on the Advent Cable Network Nigeria (ACNN) on Thursday monitored by Church Times Nigeria.

He was reacting to the new-found theology of some churches in the western world as regards human sexuality

Ndukuba who is one year in office on March 25 as Primate said the Anglican Communion in Nigeria is not averse to relating with other churches across the globe noting that “In ministry, we are all united in one. We are linked up with other provinces outside Nigeria. We are working in partnership with the global south and other churches in Africa.”

He however said the Church of Nigeria had to redefine herself because of the present-day heresy and dangerous teachings that negate the word of God in some parts of the world.

He observed that some church leaders are questioning the authority of God and the Lordship of Jesus and thereby want to change the scripture and preach a new gospel.

Referring to the Archbishop of Canterbury, who is the symbolic head of the Anglican Communion worldwide, he said, “He is a symbol of unity in the Anglican Communion worldwide. But because of the way things are going, we are not tied to the apron of Canterbury. The constitution of the Church of Nigeria has defined who we are.

“The church recognises sister provinces that hold to the Bible. Anything that is not taught in the word of God must not be upheld. We cherish our time-tested Anglican heritage and doctrine as contained in the Word of God, the book of common prayer, and the creed. These have proven to be sufficient for us to work with God,” he said.

He wondered at the new-found fancy theology that is now elevating human culture above the Bible saying, “it is worrisome that some professed Christians are elevating the practice of things we can’t even find among low-class animals. Some of the churches that brought the gospel to us have fallen into the same error. As Paul said, even if it is an angel that preached another gospel, let that person be an anathema. The Church of Nigeria is in relationship with those who cherish the Bible and are ready to live in accordance with the Word of God.

“If we fail to allow the word of God to guide us, we have failed. We will work with all those who are ready to obey God and follow Him” he said.

He commended past primates of the Church of Nigeria including The Most Revd Peter Akinola who was instrumental in the founding of the Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON) and the Anglican Global South noting however that these fellowships have been infiltrated by those with strange doctrines.

“Some have compromised. Even within GAFCON if care is not taken some will compromise. The measure of our relationship with others will be dependent on their stand on the word of God and how they submit to the teachings and authority of Jesus.”

He said any church leader who challenges the authority of the Word of God is cutting himself away from us.

“That which the Word of God condemns stands condemned. The issue that made God destroy Sodom and Gomorrah will not be tolerated, we will not bow down to Babylon. We prefer to be orthodox, faithful, and obedient.”

Referring to the pastoral letter by the College of Bishops of the Anglican Church of North America (ACNA)  which tolerated same-sex persons within their fold, he said, “We believe that when we see danger signs, we should raise the alarm. The same signs we saw in The Episcopal Church, CANADA, and the UK. When we saw some things that are going on, the pastoral that allows bishops to do what they want on the issue of sexuality and for another group to give an open invitation to gay priests cannot be tolerated.”

While declaring that what is at stake are faith and order he said, “No one province can take a unilateral decision on issues of faith,”

He added however that the issue of some being influenced by this awkward theology is being tackled. “The leadership of GAFCON is looking into it. We have played a key role in founding GAFCON as a rescue mission. As many that want to continue in the old path are welcome.”

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John Marcon March 26, 2021 - 12:50 am

The Church of Nigeria is right I think in recognising that it is not ‘tied to the apron of Canterbury’ All Anglican provinces function through their own constitutions. We are not a hierarchically governed church and Canterbury has no jurisdiction in other provinces. There will always be differences in understanding of Scripture and its application to specific issues or indeed the place it should hold overall. It would help if Scripture was crystal clear on all matters but even those who hold a ‘God-breathed’ view do not agree on significant doctrines. The degree of literalism to be applied is also not agreed. some hold that when Jesus said ‘This is my body’ he meant what he said and the bread was his body. Most of us believe he spoke figuratively. Some believe that women should be silent in church others that God having created all people equally Gen’ 1, 26-7 women should be equal partners in all the ministries of the Church. Perhaps the most vexing issue among us is among those for whom hierarchy is important – the supremacy of the Bible over all, the supremacy of bishops over the Church, the authority of the Church over doctrine. For me my faith is founded on the lovong relationship between God and his people, the place of mercy and grace, the role of the Scriptures, history, tradition and development are in the end all relational rather than rule-bound and for the wonder of salvation and the grace of God I am eternally grateful

ododo Sylvester March 26, 2021 - 10:18 am

Good day everyone listening to me , In response to my recent post and as it is that I cannot respond to everyone commenting one after the other , I do hereby compose a general response .
Before this time , I knew when I would finally come up with the 7 years story summarized of my ordeal experienced and suffering in the hand of the Church , priests and bishops of the Anglican Communion Church of Nigeria, how I was maltreated , humiliated, molested and abused during my dismissal service and all that followed after , as I expose the matter , the whole secrete and how wicked and how homophobe they are to the whole world, the (they) church will be angry because they don’t want their secrete to be exposed. They don’t want the world to be aware that they are homophobic hiding under the umbrella of scripture which they interprete to favour their own deed that suits them, declare themselves righteous and holier than others , and others which does not suit them such as the homosexuals they tagged sinners .

For your information , for those who would not read information very well to their understanding before they comment just because you sighted the word ” gay, homosexual, etc” and you begin to wrestle as if you were looking for who to wrestle with on the said matter . I was not excommunicated from the Church , get it right and straight to your head . This is on the bases and the fact that I was not caught red-handed in the act of homosexuality , my expulsion from the priesthood and not from the Church , was based on verbal statements made and conferred with my firm stance in my sermon at the Chapel that the Church should stop her homophobic attitude towards LGBTIQ Christians who which to serve and worship the Lord Our Father through Jesus Christ whom they loved and cherished so much with a pure heart in spirit and truth . I also told the Church in that same sermon the major sins of Sodom and Gomorrah which is one of the grave sins as mentioned in the Bible was their inhospitality attitude towards strangers and not particularly homosexuality . Same sex attraction can never be sin my people , open your eyes . I am against sexual intercourse between two men without the rightful procedures of marriage or civil union of the Twain of which the same also applied to those who are heterosexuals . Any form of sexual act before marriage whether irrespective of sexuality have you is illegal and sin before God , no one is greater than the other . God does not have a particular sin that He at least manages and pardones, let us not fool and deceive ourselves . Those of you who are condemning homosexuality here are doing so out of homophobic and not because of what the Bible said . I know you people very well, we should not deceive ourselves . One third of the priests which includes Bishops and laities of the Church of Nigeria are homosexuals , let’s us fix our home first instead of accusing and pointing wrong finger outside to the western Church/ world that they are the homosexuals and the caused of homosexuality in the Church . They are not bringing homosexuality or trying to make all of homosexuals, homosexuals are already here , well meaningful citizens of Nigeria, baptized members , communicants , priests and bishops who have contributed inmmensely and tremendously to the growth of the Church of Nigeria , many have died , many have retired from ministry and others uncounted are in the ministry . That’s to say an homosexual could be your friend , your child: son or daughter , your church member , your wife, your husband, your priest and your bishop . I am not assuming and I am not guessing , I am boldly speaking as someone who have gathered information and facts of the matter and who is an insider , the living witness who experienced all these things myself. Therefore , stop the hate, discrimination and the killing and spilling of blood of those who are homosexuals in the name of God by using the Bible to justify such barbaric acts and religious bigotry . An homosexual is an homosexual , while an heterosexual is an heterosexual , let the love of Jesus Christ lead us , the heterosexual should not become a homosexual in his love to the homosexual , and an homosexual should not become an heterosexual in his love to the heterosexual . It is the way and the manner with which we approach the issue of human sexuality that makes a lot of people in the Church of Nigeria to begin to live in the hiding , secrete and hypocritical lifestyle and in lies. This is just the point the western church / world want us to understand just the same way they opened our eyes to accept the abolishment of the killing of twins, slave trade, blood transfusion , etc. We where not people before , now that they have made us to be people , we are now calling others that they are not people . It is not fair.
Who have not sinned should be the first to cast the stone on the homosexual, I am waiting ? How could you, who have involved in sex before marriage , boy friend and girl friend , Anal sex with the opposite sex, sucking of Dick and licking of pussy, abortion , pregnancy before marriage/ wedding and other things God instructed and commanded people should not do in the Bible , now have the mind to condem homosexuals in the name of God ? . Do you forget God said no one should use His name in vain? Do you know the extend of this statement which stated that ” Thou shall not call the name of thy God in vain”.
The matter the Church wanted to sweep under the carpet 7 years ago,I am exposing it.
I am asking for assistance and support in kinds and in cash to be able to setup an online platform to preach the Gospel and also to setup a self employed business in catering.

This is my business plans and proposal .
Business : Self employed
Name of Business : Chef Slys Kitchen and Restaurant .

Business Type : Hospitality and Catering Services

This business involves kitchen and bakery equipment , lights and generating set to start up,
It doesn’t need too many man power to start up , 3 to 5 employers are okay at the initial stage .
Equipment needed such as , Gas cylinder , industrial gas, table gas, Shawarma burner and toaster machines, Freezer, Fridge, Generator , Pizza Oven, Oven Gas for Pastries , set of pots , working stainless table, Miller , medium mixing machine, etc . You may not necessarily send cash to me , any of the items can be purchased in an online market and weight bill to my address .
This business will further serves as source of development in my area , it will serves as means of employment to unemployed youths , it will serves as training ground for those who wish and have the interest to learn Catering and Baking in my hands and I will in turn help to establish the best to as well be on their own and set up their own business , many to mentioned but a few .

Best regards

Rev’d Chef Sly Ododo Sylvester
Executive Chef / Hospitality Expert
And LGBTIQ freedom fighter and liberator

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