Bishop Mari Emmanuel

Bishop Mari Emmanuel: I rejoiced when I heard I’ve got two weeks to live

by Church Times

A video of the  Assyrian Christian cleric, Mar Mari Emmanuel where he said he was excited that he was going to die in two weeks has surfaced on social media hours after he was stabbed by some terrorists in his church in Australia.

In the video, Bishop Emmanuel who was stabbed along with six others in his church on Monday, April 15 was reacting to some social media video posts claiming that he was sick and would die in two weeks.

His attack

Mari Emmanuel is the bishop of Christ the Good Shepherd Church in WakeleyNew South Wales, Australia.

An assailant according to reports entered the church and stabbed six people, including him.  It was the second mass stabbing in the city in three days, following the 2024 Bondi Junction stabbings.

There is yet no report about the condition of the victims of the attack but in the trending video, Bishop Emmanuel said,  “I was really excited when I heard that I had just two weeks to live. I don’t want to stay in this world. For me, it is over. Whether I stay or not, it does not matter to me. I have had my share of the world and I pray that the Lord take me before tomorrow. ” he said in the video

Some people believe the video he was responding to was a way of giving him a warning about the impending attack which he did not take to heart.

I am not sick

In the video which showed he was addressing his church members, he said he was not trying to run away from the world.  “This is not running away. it is not an escape. I am saying it with confidence in the Lord Jesus. I love you all. I choose you any time of the day to be with you. I don’t care about what the world gives.”

But he insisted he was extremely happy when he saw the video where his death was predicted, saying, “I thank the person who did the video. Thank you so much. I did not know I was going to die in two weeks.”

He however said he was not sure he would die in two weeks as predicted by the person who made the video adding that he was not sick as alleged in the video.

“I am not sure I will go in two weeks. Maybe, I don’t know. But as far as being sick and that I have got two weeks left, that is news to me. Whether it is a disappointment to some or a happy case I don’t know, I am just letting you know that as far as I am concerned, I don’t think I am sick and dying in two weeks.

“But everything is in the hands of God. I am not sick, I am not dying. Maybe some of them have said we have finally gotten rid of this old bishop. I am sorry folks, I am still sitting on your heart”

Bishop Emmanuel is known for his regular social media appearance with the name Holy Bishop. He uses his Facebook page to preach the gospel and declare the divinity of Jesus always.

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