Anglican Bishop gives own version of Nigeria’s anthem at diocese’s synod, says country is at war

by Church Times

The Rt. Rev Gabriel Akinbiyi, his wife Stella, Bishop of Jeba, The Rt. Rev Adewole, Chief Gbolahan Ayodele and wife of former governor of Ondo State, Chief Mrs. Adetutu Adefarati at the second day of the 3rd session of the 10th synod of the Diocese of Akoko, Church of Nigeria, Anglican Communion in Ondo State on Friday June 13, 2014

The Bishop of Akoko Diocese of the Church of Nigeria, Anglican Communion; The Rt. Revd. Gabriel Akinbiyi has given his own version of Nigeria’s national anthem to reflect the incessant bloodletting in the country occasioned by the murderous sect known as Boko Haram.

Delivering an address at the 3rd session of the 10th synod of the diocese on Friday June 12 2014, with the theme, “This same Jesus” Bishop Akinbiyi in re-writing the national anthem read to the congregation his own version of the anthem

He read,

“Arise o compatriot, Nigeria is at war”

“The Labour of our heroes past

Is seriously being threatened

To be in vain

One nation bound in freedom

Is now disintegrating

With her citizens in serious bondage

“Oh God of creation

Guide our leaders’ right

For they have become handicapped

And impotent to deliver Nigeria

“Help our youths the truth to know

As they are now confused

And being fed with lies and deceit

By those who lead them

Sanitize our legal and judicial system

Now being used as haven for

Corrupt politicians and treachery looters

Rebuild Nigeria, O Lord, to become

A new nation where

Peace, love, righteousness

“And justice shall reign”

The cleric who expressed worry that the bloodletting in the country had reached a disturbing level observed that three groups of people have continued to terrorize the entire country.

These groups according to him include the Islamic religious sect known as Boko Haram, Fulani Herdsmen and unknown gun men. He said, “ hundreds of innocent Nigerians have lost their lives to these elements in the last few years.” Adding also that, “ Nigeria is now facing full blown war.”

The Bishop noted that major headlines in the nation’s newspapers have consistently reported bombings and killings in various parts of the country especially the north eastern section.

While noting that the Boko Haram sect was the creation of those who don’t want the president (a Christian) to succeed, he said, “They invented a socio-political Islamic religious sect called Boko Haram to harass a particular section of the country in order to frighten and embarrass the presidency. This sect was selective in their operations and was being controlled by their inventors”

He observed further that the group has grown so wild and had become “a blood sucking monster that could neither be tamed nor controlled by those who invented it. It is now obvious that even with the help of international bodies, Boko Haram operations can no longer be curbed by the federal government.

“Boko Haram has become a sophisticated and well established international organization. Even if the inventors themselves should be given Nigeria to govern today they would not be able to do better than what obtains now in terms of curbing them.

He however offered that only God can deliver Nigeria from their hands. “for God to do it for us as a nation, we must return to Him in repentance and faith, call upon him in earnest prayers and He will do it.” He said.

The lengthy address, which took almost three hours for the bishop to deliver also touched on other crucial issues of governance in Ondo State where the diocese is located. He commended the governor of the state, Dr. Olusegun Mimiko for paying attention to the infrastructures of the state.

He however pointed out that the standard of living of many of the citizens has fallen drastically over the years. He urged the government to look into the plight of the people and create employment for the teeming youths in the state.

He described Mimiko as a governor that has a caring heart regretting however that some government officials have not represented him well.

Present at the synod were the former governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria, Chief Joseph Sanusi, Wife of the former governor of Ondo State, Mrs. Adetutu Adefarati, Chief Gbolahan Ayodele and traditional rulers and a host of clergy men from across the country.

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