Adeboye expresses surprise at turn of event in Nigeria, says….help is on the way

by Church Times

General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, Pastor Enoch Adeboye has expressed shock that Nigeria could witness incessant killings occasioned by elements of the murderous sect called Boko Haram saying however that the end is in sight for all the enemies of Nigeria.

Speaking at the June Holy Ghost service which held at the Redemption Camp Kilometer 45, Lagos Ibadan Express Road in Nigeria, Adeboye told thousands of people that he had cause to ask God questions on the trouble Nigeria was going through noting that the church had fasted for 100 days and would have least expected such things to be happening.

He however told the enthusiastic crowd of worshippers that God had assured that help was on the way for Nigeria. He said, “During the May Holy Ghost I had to ask God why we were going through bad times in the country. I knew that if God had asked us to fast for 100 days, I knew he had something big for us because the last time we embarked on such fasting was about 15 years ago. I didn’t know things will be this bad after the marathon fast. I then asked God what was going on and He told me help is on the way”

While noting that the theme of the Holy Ghost service for June was taken from the dialogue he had with God, Adeboye said, “If God says help is on the way, be assured that help is on the way. “The help of man is vain. And I know that any genuine Christian will not expect help from money because money will fail. It can develop wings. But the help from God will bring total and final solution”

Reading copiously from Bible and taking his main text from Psalm 121v1, he says every believer must seek help from heaven and not from man. He assured that those that were sick, barren or waiting on God for something will surely get help.

He recounted how he went to pray for one of his spiritual sons in a foreign hospital. “That my son was diagnosed with cancer and he was kept in particular room. In that room only people with hopeless cases are put in that room. I walked into the room and prayed for my son. I did not pray for others because I didn’t want to invade their privacy. Abroad is not like Nigeria. But as God will have it a week after the prayers all the people who were kept in that room including my son were discharged from the hospital. They got their healing’

He pleaded with those waiting for God for anything including the fruit of the womb not to lose hope because God will surely show up at the His own time. He shared the scary story of two sisters he used to know during the early days of his ministry saying,

“I knew two sisters. The two of them were trusting God for the fruit of the womb and we were praying along with them. But we soon left Lagos for Ilorin and thought we were not going to come to Lagos again. But we came back and found out that one of them was pregnant. She asked us to praise God on her behalf but later confessed to us how she consulted some people and she got her miracle.

“She insisted those people also used the Bible. She could not wait for God’s time. She got pregnant quite alright but since 1981 when she got pregnant till today she has not been able to give birth to the child. She is still carrying the pregnancy. She could even be in this auditorium listening to us. The other sister also got pregnant and gave birth. But by the time the child became 6 years old she brought out his manhood and said he was going to have sex with his mother. When they took the case to a deliverance minister, the boy confessed that he was demon incarnate. This is to tell you that any help you get outside God will lead to destruction”

He observed that people don’t fail in life in some cases because they are not brilliant or hand working but because some forces are contending with them recalling how he once went blank while trying to sit for exams during his school days. “I was very good in particular course and I used to teach my colleagues but when exam came and I saw the questions I just went blank. But thank God for His mercy. Though I was not born again something just told me to relax which I did. After about 15 minutes into the exams I looked at the questions again and I found out I could answer all the questions. Rather than just answer five as instructed by the examiner I answered all the eight questions and wrote on my script: Mark any five. That story is just to show you that help will always come”

Adeboye who took time during the programme to pray for the release of the Chibok girls assured Nigerians not to despair saying God will bring an end to the trauma the nation was passing through. He recalled a situation where he was saved from a violent storm while on a cruise holidaying. “When I cried to God during the storm which the captain of the ship described as one of the most dangerous storms God asked me, “son what did I do when there was a storm during my stay here on earth. I said, you slept; then God told me to go and sleep. I went to sleep as commanded by God. By the time I woke up the storm had subsided”

The RCCG General Overseer expressed hope in the saving power of God because the helper is the maker of heaven and earth. He however said those who will get help from God are those who are willing and obedient. God is ready to bless you and answer your prayers when you pray but you must be willing and obedient. You must obey simple instructions as stipulated by the Bible”

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