Life of Wale Adefuye

Adefuye @ 60 says, “I wanted to do missions in the worst place”

by Church Times

Nigerian UK-based pastor, Wale Adefuye has said his encounter with God just around the time he finished his National Youth Service programme in Nigeria several years ago changed the direction of his life as well as his goal.

He said by the time he embraced Jesus all he wanted was to do missions in the worst place on earth.

He made the statement recently at a function organised to celebrate his 60th birthday anniversary.

The event was put together by a few of his friends, family members, and some old church acquaintances.

Adefuye was the pioneer Pastor of the Nigeria branch of Kingsway International Christian Centre.  He is presently a minister at the Ipswich International Church (Elim) in the United Kingdom. He was celebrated along with his wife, Nwando Adefuye who will clock 60 in October.

60 years on earth

Reflecting on his 60 years on earth, Adefuye said knowing Jesus was the best thing that happened to him.

His words, “The realisation that God is my father and that he loves me is the best thing that has happened to me. The moment Jesus came in, I lost the desire to be a professor which I was working towards, and wanted to do missions in the worst place on earth. I wanted a place like a remote village in India where there is no light, no water. I was just hungry for more of God and wanted to serve him in any capacity.”

Adefuye graduated from the University of Lagos with a first class in civil engineering and an MSc with distinction in civil engineering – specialising in hydraulic & hydrology. He qualified as a chartered accountant with Ernst & Young, London. But all that attainment according to him was nothing compared to knowing God

Coming to Lagos

An indigene of Ijebu, Ogun State, he said,  “It was that understanding that made me come back to Nigeria from the UK in the early 2000  to start  KICC, Lagos.”He came along with his young family.

His wife a medical doctor had to resign from her job in the UK and joined him with their little daughter. Their second child was born while they were in Nigeria. “The experience in Lagos was tough. But because I knew it was God who sent me I was not bitter. I came with the mind to give all. I was ready to sacrifice all I had for the sake of the gospel”

But because the situation in Lagos became so unbearable, he had to send his family back to England so he alone would face the challenge of pastoring.  “I was the one that was called. I did not want my family to bear the pain with me, so I had to send them back to the UK while I continued the mission,” he said.

His perception of pastoring was however different from the perception of his Senior Pastor, Mathew Ashimolowo.

At that point, he said he knew the assignment in Lagos had come to an end. In no time he started another ministry which enabled him to serve people and bring them to the knowledge of God. He organised a regular session known then as Life Class where people came together to rub minds and share fellowship.

Not used to celebration

The Lagos experience however made him appreciate that the best of men of God are still men.”

While noting the only birthday he had ever celebrated was his 12th birthday, he said, “I am not used to celebration because I used to think of meeting up with a particular standard. I used to think there was nothing to celebrate. But I realised that God loves me irrespective of my performance. He loves me regardless of my frailties. I am the beloved of God. I am living the best of life. Life is not measured by what you have but by who has you. There is nothing God will do that will be more than what he has done.

“He has given us his son. We are not serving him because of what he will do, we are serving him because of what he has done.”

Adefuye said his understanding of eternal life changed when the Holy Spirit opened his eyes to John 17v3 and made him realise that “life eternal is to know God.”

Also read: My Deeper Life and KICC story by Pastor Wale Adefuye


At the event, participants recalled how Pastor Adefuye was instrumental to their spiritual growth and how his down-to-earth approach to leadership endeared him to many.

He also used the opportunity to express thanks to his wife who according to him has been instrumental to his success in ministry. “My wife has been so supportive of my ministry. She allows me to do what I love doing. She takes care of the homefront effectively. She gives me peace of mind and has been a great encouragement all the way”



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