
Shocking thing Oral Robert told me about the anointing- Benny Hinn

by Church Times

The anointing of the Holy Spirit is supposed to stir the believer to good works, but world reknown evangelist, Benny Hinn in an online interview made a rather interesting disclosure about what the anointing could cause.


He said his disclosure was premised on his interaction with Oral Robert another well-known US evangelist and a leading figure in the Pentecostal movement who died in 2009 at the age of at 91.


Quoting 1John 2v27, he said with the anointing, you don’t need anyone to teach you. But then he said his experience with Oral Robert many years ago gave him another perspective.


He said he was thinking of a man who would commit adultery after being mightily used of God and was wondering what could make a man sin against God after being mightily used.


He said he had asked the man why he would do such a thing. The man told him how he was molested when he was young and all kinds of stories. But then he was not impressed.


He said he however asked Oral Robert why a man of God would do such a thing.


Rather than give him a familiar answer, Oral Roberts told him “when the anointing comes on a persons, he stirs up the emotion and everything about the person. He stirs up anything in the man good or bad. If a man has a personal weakness with adultery for instance and he has not been able to put it under control, it will stir it up. He said that is why the greatest men sinned at their greatest moment.”


Benny Hinn then counseled that “it is more important to pray more after you have been used by God than before you were used.”


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