35-point prophecy for 2022 by Pastor Kehinde Oluwafunso

by Church Times

Kehinde Oluwafunso is the founder of Discovery Word Ministry. He relays a 35-point prophecy for 2022. Kindly find below

2022 prophecy

Kehinde Oluwafunso


The Holy Spirit separated me to a place, on the 31st December 2021, to give me revelations of some of the things that will happen in the year 2022.

1) Year 2022, declared as our year of Mega Power in Jesus’ name.

2) God told me that great things would happen in the midst of the elects, Saints, and believers as they continue to serve God.

3) There will be an escalation in the killings of key political leaders around the country, especially in the North.

4) God told me that Pastor E.A . Adeboye needs our prayers, daddy should be careful he is not dragged into politics in any way.

5) The cry of the girl child in Nigeria is disturbing God.

6)The rate of rainfall in Nigeria will be  low in 2022. We should pray.

7)Bandits have recruited countless minors/ children to use as deadly bombers this year.

8) More worship centres would become targets of attacks this year. Let’s pray and be on the watch.

9) Whereabouts of many traditional rulers and politicians would be unknown this year.

10) Asiwaju needs prayers to survive 2022. Let’s pray for him.

11) God told me that serious prayers are needed for the 2023 election.

12) The Holy Spirit told me that we should pray seriously for the survival of our democracy this year.

13) APC will break into pieces. There should be prayers for the party.

14) The Holy Spirit told me that d image of some religious leaders would be soiled and may go to jail if caution is not applied. Let’s pray for our religious leaders.

15) The fight against cultism may overwhelm d Nigerian Police in 2022.

16) The fight against terrorism may overwhelm d Nigerian Army in 2022. We shud pray for our armed forces.

17) The Holy Spirit told me that terrorism would go full blast in 2022.

18) The United Nations would hold emergency meetings over Nigeria, because of some things/ happenings. We should pray for our nation.

19) Chief Bisi Akande may suffer a stroke in 2022. He needs our prayers.

20) There will be more jailbreaks in Nigeria in 2022. Let’s pray for peace.

21) There will be an incidence of a plane crash in the country. Let’s pray for air safety.

22) We shud pray that Queen Elizabeth of England survives 2022. Let’s pray for d queen mother.

23) We shud pray that President Biden of America survives 2022. Let’s pray for the American president.

24) The Holy Spirit told me that something strange will happen in 2022, that women in Nigeria, Ghana, South Africa, etc would walk naked on the streets. Walking naked would be taken to another level.

25) 2022 will be a year of strange satanic inventions that will enhance pollution of the earth

24) 2022 will be a year when more and more night clubs and strip clubs will be competing with the growth of churches.

25) BBNaija would be on d streets, boys and girls who can walk naked from one junction to another will be given 3 /5 / 10 million cash reward. Parents warn your children.

26) The Holy Spirit told me that more serious satanic pollution will penetrate the church this year. Please let’s pray for our churches.

27) The Holy Spirit told me that parents shud pray for their children more than themselves in 2022.

28) More politicians would go to jail in 2022.

29) The Holy Spirit told me that both wives of our President and d Vice President needs our prayers. We shud pray for these 2 women seriously.

30) The Holy Spirit told me that 1 or 2 state executive governors may not finish their terms.

31) The Holy Spirit told me that there will be coups in Africa in 2022.

32) The Holy Spirit told me that prayers are needed for those in academics and in d entertainment industry.

33) The maltreatment of Nigerians abroad will increase

34) Nigeria will experience some international embarrassment this year, our foreign affairs ministry needs our prayers and should be very careful and move fast.

35), the Holy Spirit told me that there will be a particular Nigerian that will build an airplane to international standard, we should pray for this man to make this mark this


God can change His mind on some of these things ,if we can lift up our voices in supplications and prayers and pray for mercy .


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