marital vows

30 years after marriage, PFN leader renews marital vows, re-enacts wedding ceremony  

by Church Times

The General Secretary of the South West Zone of the Pentecostal fellowship, Pastor Toyin Kehinde on Monday, February 20 took many by surprise when he and his wife, Shade, renewed their 30-year-old marriage by reenacting their wedding ceremony.

The time of the event was 2 pm. Guests were already seated. The surprise came for many when Pastor Kehinde appeared in an attire reminiscent of a groom while his wife, Shade, adorned an exquisitely designed wedding attire.

Pastor Shade Kehinde being led to the altar by her son

 It became more interesting when the compere, Pastor Dele Ajayi announced to the bewildered audience that it was time to welcome the bride.

The son of the couple acted as the “father’ of the bride ushering his mother into the waiting hands of his father, Pastor Kehinde who was already grinning at the altar.

Rev Dr. Shade Toyin Kehinde

God’s own day

 It was God’s own day. Pastor Emmanuel Ajose who joined them together in holy matrimony 30 years ago was on ground.

 Ajose whose marriage is 41 years was beaming while thanking God for the privilege of seeing the couple God used him to bring together still waxing. Prayers poured effortlessly.

Earlier, Bishop Abraham Olaleye, a close acquaintance of the couple led them to reaffirm their marital vows.

Apart from the venue of the event which was evidently different from that of 30 years ago and a number of other things, the event was a careful replay of their wedding day.

Rev Toyin and Pastor Shade Toyin-Kehinde whose demeanour betrayed their youthfulness would have easily passed for newly wedded.

John Airee, 49 years of marriage

 The glow and glamour of the day were not lost on the guest preacher, Pastor John Airee who is itching towards his 50th wedding anniversary.

 Already in his 80s, Pastor Airee who spoke for about 30 minutes said the couple made a lasting impact on his life and ministry.

He said they were the ones who helped him when he was about to go into the ministry after traversing the corporate world.

 Quoting Genesis 1v28, Airee said there is no man that has not been blessed by God adding that the celebrants have been fruitful in various ways.

Bishop Ajose who joined the couple 30 years ago, praying for them

Value for marriage

“Both Rev Kehinde and his wife, Shade are successful professionals. Rev Shade is a perfectionist, she is particular about details. Many have been blessed by their ministry. They have been mightily fruitful. 

While declaring that God expects us to honour him in all that we do, he said, “I can say of this couple that they love God. Rev Kehinde is always smiling. Even in difficult moments, he maintains his calm. You’re a good example to the world.”

He said the ceremony has only shown how they value the institution of marriage. “We are celebrating the marriage institution because it is God’s creation. A successful marriage is a product of commitment. The marriage we are celebrating today is successful because the two of them were committed to it from day one. And that is the message to all.” he said.

Bishop Olaleye leading the couple to renew their marital vows

 Lover of missions

Known for their love for missions, Rev and Dr Mrs Toyin Kehinde were variously praised for their sacrifice and commitment to the kingdom.

Celebrated music minister, Gbemi Olaleye rendered some soulful lyrics to celebrate God’s mercy on them while also praying that the Lord will keep them going and keep them strong.

It was indeed an evening of fun; friendship and fellowship, The couple took to the dancing floor to celebrate God’s grace as the event came to a close.

Guests at the event

Guests at the event

The event was graced by an array of church leaders in the Pentecostal circle. Archbishop John Osa Oni, Rev Janet Onaolapo, Mrs Florence Sola Ore, Bishop Abraham Olaleye, his wife Gbemi, Pastor Bode Orekoya, and a host of other PFN leaders were around to cheer the couple. Some missionaries and members of the Agape Generation International Church were all present to celebrate with the couple.

About the couple

Rev Toyin Kehinde and his wife, Shade both oversee Agape Generation International Church based in Mende Maryland, Lagos. The ministry started with 11 people holding fellowship in a living room. It was commissioned on August 24, 2001.  Today it has branches in both Festac and Ikorodu.

Read also: Time to change missions narrative-Toyin Kehinde:

Bishop Theophilus Ajose and some other guests with the couple

Beyond the church, they have been heavily involved in supporting missionaries from all over Nigeria and Africa. Yearly, they host the Global Mandate Conference that brings missionaries from across Africa together.
Rev Dr Shade Kehinde on the other hand is also involved in the empowerment of women through the All Ladies Affairs Business Forum. The forum also meets yearly to hold seminars and empowerment programmes for women.

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