God;s candidate

2023: God does not have anointed candidate -Catholic Priest, Fada Oluoma

by Church Times

A popular Catholic priest, Fada Oluoma has said it is wrong mindset to think that a particular candidate is God’s candidate in an election.

According to him, in a democracy, God respects the will of the people.

Oluoma made the submission in a Facebook post monitored by Church Times on Wednesday, March 1.

He said all the front runners in the last presidential poll in Nigeria, are politicians whose fates were decided by voters. “God did not anoint a particular candidate. God’s grace is available to anybody the people elect and if the person cooperates with God’s grace the person will bring about the need of the people.

“For those of you who are feeling that your candidate is anointed by God and that the defeat of your candidate translates to God’s defeat by the Devil, it’s a wrong mindset. ”

The Catholic priest said he was dismayed to see some men of God give the impression that a particular candidate is God’s anointed.  He insists, “In a democracy, God respects the will of the people.  And if God anoints you, then you must win, come rain, come shine.”

He said some of the worst kings in the Bible were anointed by God. ‘I can tell you with all humility that God did not anoint any candidate in this election.”

Fada Oluoma: I was party agent

Oluoma who has large followership also addressed the disappointment of people at the polls.

He said, “I also participated in the Saturday polls, I was a party agent. I voted and ensured that the votes were counted. But my party did not win.”

Though he did not disclose the candidate he voted for, he urged his followers not to be downcast.  He said, “I understand with you. It is human that you feel pained about the outcome of the election. It is normal. People feel disappointed if their football team does not win, not to talk of an election that will determine the destiny of someone. So it is normal to feel bad.

He however counseled that people should learn to encourage themselves in the Lord. “Your maturity as a child of God is measured by how calm you are in the face of provocation. If you are agitated in the face of provocation that shows something is wrong within you,” he said.

Election not between Christians and Muslims

Oluoma said further that the election was not between Christians and Muslims adding that there were Christians who voted for Muslim candidates while some Muslims voted for Christian candidates. The election was not and should not be seen as that. The election was not between Igbos and Yorubas or between Igbos and Hausa.

“You are not better than the person who voted for persons other than your tribe. There were Yorubas who carried the matter of Obi on their heads. There were Igbos too who supported Tinubu and Atiku massively. So it is not about the tribe of the candidates.

While disclosing that he was not trying to give credence to the polls, he said at his polling unit it was the result he got at the unit that was uploaded on the INEC server.

Read also: When you shout in prayer, it’s an indication you’re far from God-Fada Oluoma: https://churchtimesnigeria.net/fada-oluomo-prayer-god/

He said however that if there is a need to protest the outcome of the elections, that will be determined by party leaders who have reasons for doing so. “PDP is a big party, they have elite politicians if they have a case, they can seek redress. If they have a case against INEC, they will lead, and you and I will follow.

“Every party is supposed to have an agent and the agent takes the result to the various wards, local government, and state. The party agents are supposed to be at all levels of collation.  The leaders know what to do. They will have to prove their case. Don’t let anybody incite you.” he said.

Oluoma noted that there is no guarantee that those who voted for a particular candidate will benefit more than those who did not vote for the candidate. He asked, “the guy who trekked for Buhari, where is he now. is better than many of us?

He added, “We are all going to be under the same political atmosphere. That is why all of us must join hands together to make Nigeria better”

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